Icarus Phoenix Releases High Tide Single

You all know how much I love the work of Drew Danburry and Icarus Phoenix, and the latest single from his forthcoming LP shines a light on why he should be lifted into the listening habits of the masses. For starters, the softened strumming brings your ear closer, it asks you to don your headphones and really immerse yourself into the listening experience. Unlike a lot of the songs we’ve heard from the new album, this one definitely feels fully formed by one Drew alone; it’s the sort where accompaniment isn’t needed, as the maximized emotion is pulled with the simplest charms. Please please please give Drew’s craft your attention. I Should Have Known the Things You Never Said will be out on August 15th.

Reverb Laden Pop From High Tide 15:47

unnamed-4Prior to right now I knew not one thing about Newcastle based High Tide 15:47, but I’m looking to remedy my lack of knowledge starting immediately. The band caught my ear this morning with this catchy new track “And The Bubble Burst”. It’s full of reverb laden guitars and swirling hooks ready for your enjoyment on this fine Monday. If you’re digging it, the song is available on iTunes and Spotify now. Stay tuned for more on this promising band.

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