Summer Fiction Wants You To Love Them

1484002_808447339210390_5409288711907858155_oAnd really, when they keep putting out stellar singles, it’s not hard at all. About a month ago Nathan gave you this sweet jam, and now I’m here to give you another one from Summer Fiction. “Perfume Paper” is the perfect pop gem: it’s got super present vocals that tell a story, a chorus that will get stuck in your head for days, and jangly guitar riffs all over the place. Their album, Himalaya, is due out on June 16th, and it sounds like it’s gonna be one you can’t afford to miss, really. Listen up kids.

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Playful Pop from Summer Fiction

summerThere’s a playful quality that comes with the simplicity of the new Summer Fiction tune.  It reeks of early Dent May, which isn’t a bad thing, mind you, as we raved about that release.  The focus is surely on the vocal delivery, with a light bit of piano and percussion backing things the entire way through. It bodes well for the Mancunian songwriter and his new effort, which will probably offer tracks just as playful as the one that follows below.  Look for Himalaya to be released on June 16th; should be something worthy of spending time with during the summer twilight hours.

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