Last Week’s Jams (10.9 – 10.13)

We’re getting to that point when everyone is scrambling to find their favorite tracks, find their favorite collection of songs to put into those fruitful lists that you’ll all look at, then claim to hate! We do it too! Still, covered a bunch of great new music last week. There were great new tunes from Red Pants and Teenage Tom Petties, plus we got to celebrate a really busy release week with stuff from Lightheaded and Upchuck, among others. Our friend Jared Leibowich had a new tune up, but it didn’t make it onto the DPSs yet, so be sure to circle back and check on that one. There’s a couple of long-burns too, from Native Cats, a Beacon School and the Uptights, all worthy of some deep listening. Stream on!

The Latest Single from Hit Bargain

Admittedly, I slept on the first single from Hit Bargain; I blame the whole prelude to SXSW…or whatever. But, I won’t miss out on sharing the band’s latest single with you, as it brings a ferocity that I’ve been missing as of late. Nora Singh’s rapid delivery stuttering atop those jagged guitar lines is perfect, and only more dangerous as the bass lines begin to pulse and throb forcing Mike Barron to join in the vocal barrage. It blasts through your speakers in under two minutes, making it perfect for consumption, on repeat. Look for the group’s Potential Maximizer LP to hit hard via Buzz Records on May 11th.

Jamming to Hit Bargain

hitbargainEver since we started working with Big Bill, I’ve really been paying closer attention to the message a lot of the acts are putting out into the world. The story from Hit Bargain spins the story of 80s classic Die Hard into an attack on a world of police and gun violence. I like the spastic call-and-response attitude that’s delivered, giving the song a huge punch, or the listener rather. The group will be self-releasing the Hit Bargain EP, hoping to get you hip to the world around you. I miss important music.

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