Last Week’s Jams (2.26 – 3.1)

As we ramp up towards SXSW, things have been in full swing over at the ATH camp. We ran a bunch of our “getting-to-know-you” interviews with the Ophelias, Jess Cornelius, Tigercub and Native Harrow. But, we also covered a shit-ton of new music that’s worth revisiting, if you’re up for it. Our old friends Blushing dropped a new tune from their next LP, plus we got to hear more from Dancer and Torrey in relation to their new releases. Long time ATH faves like Mo Troper and Rosie Tucker made an appearance too, with each having their own new records on the horizon. Plus, a bunch of other greats like Red Sleeping Beauty, Klaus Johann Grobe, Non La and more…so dive on in.

Last Week’s Jams (1.29 – 2.2)

If you were anywhere near the musical interwebs last week, then you were given a lot of gifts; there was new music from the likes of Six Organs of Admittance, Camera Obscura, Ducks Ltd and more…all of which feature in this rendition of Last Week’s Jams. It was a pretty solid week for the ATX too, with new music from Water Damage, Holy Wire, Broken Gold…plus a Touch Girl Apple Blossom video from their latest EP. Bonus points go to acts like Savak, Cool Sounds and Torrey for adding further joy to my listening rotation. We also mentioned some Bandcamp recommendations for True Green, Flight Mode, TVXP and Fuvk. Kick in below for all the sweet jams we’ve got in one easy listening spot.

Hooper Crescent Share Wrong Direction

Totally glad that the groovy side of punk rock is super into fashion; you’ve got acts like Snooper and Vessel taking the fun from the genre and refashioning it in their own brand…and now we can add Hooper Crescent to that mix. They’ve just tossed out a new single from their forthcoming Essential Tremors, spitting out these call-and-response vocal lines that certainly make me think of the B52s. But, while I thought I had the track pinned down, it wiggles beneath, with guitar riffs flopping and squirming all over your floor, with the band frantically trying to pick up the pieces. One half is all groove, sliding secretly into an edgy bit of funky punk. Their latest effort Essential Tremors will be out via Spoilsport Records on February 23rd!

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