SXSW Awards – 2017

How is it possible we’re already through SXSW hangover week? It seems like only yesterday the ATH crew was hanging at Hotel Vegas, with Lone Star in hand, kicking off the week a couple of Sundays ago with the awesome lineup put together by Nathan and our boy Mr. Laird. As always, we move on, reflect on the fun behind us, and plan for the next great lineup or festival. Such is the beauty of living in the live music capital of the world. To look back on the festival, Nathan, Brian, and myself came up with an arbitrary list of awards with each of us picking our choice for the category.

Hit the jump for our awards, final thoughts and a few related pics from a fun, exciting, and draining week.

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Hot New Hoops Tune

I was really impressed with Hoops during this year’s SXSW; they were way tighter as a unit than I expected them to be. This song continues the band’s push of lightly jangling pop hits, though the video accompanying the track also represents the band’s sense of humor. Personally, it’s great to hear a band with such promise that’s still able to have a little bit of fun…especially when they’re facing such high expectations. But, you can relax…these guys are going to pull it off; you’ll be able to see precisely why when you pick up Routines on May 5th via Fat Possum.

Hoops Dreams

You’ve likely already seen this new Hoops jam pop up; it’s like a cross between catchy dream pop and Mac DeMarco, so all the kids are happy. Me, I’m happy because we’re getting close to Spring time and to SXSW, which they’ll be attending. This song serves as the announcement that the band will be working with Fat Possum to release their debut, Routines, on May 5th. Want some dreamy pop, but not ready to come to the dark side of indiepop yet? Well, then get into these guys, they’re the perfect point just in the middle.

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