Another Jim Nothing Single

Let the old inbox get me down, and in there somewhere was lurking a fresh new tune from Jim Nothing…yet another single in their post In the Marigolds run. There’s something in the work on this song that reminds me of a fuzzier version of Los Campesinos; it has the same endearing quality that came, particularly when you get some of those faint backing vocals into the picture…or maybe it was that opening “wooh” that set me off. The riffs are heavier for this lot, even with the cascading lead that twists its knife through the center; those riffs allow the pace to kind of settle and mellow before you, encouraging you to sink into the depths of their latest bop!

Go Listen to Goodman

I don’t know what it is about this particular track from Goodman, but I really encourage you to spend a little bit of time listening to the track. It opens with a seemingly folk leaning, guitars wrapping around one another while there’s a slight warble to the vocal delivery. I dug it, but it wasn’t until the joyous explosion around the 1.5 minute mark that the song really took its hold on me, which I have a feeling will come to you too, should you choose to venture that far. There’s something carefree in the way it all comes together at this moment, allowing you to let everything else around fall to the wayside. He’ll be releasing his latest effort, The Vicissitudes on February 3rd via Invertebrate.

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More Music from Rodrigo Amarante

Rodrigo-AmaranteHopefully you recognize the name behind Little Joy, which was noted more for the appearances of Fab (Strokes fame), but which wouldn’t have sounded so perfect if not for Rodrigo Amarante.  Tracks from his album, Cavalo, have been floating around the Internet for a few weeks, and this one is my personal favorite.  It has that tropicalia feel, yet maintains a strangeness that allows me to hold onto the fact that I still think I’m cool (I’m not FYI). If you were a fan of the driftwood pop that his full band created, then you’ll surely love what he’s done on his own (with a little help from Devandra and Fab).


Download: Rodrigo Amarante – Hourglass [MP3]

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