Manners Manners Drop Aperture Single

Only been a minute since I raved over the first single from Manners Manners new LP, but now they take a softer approach on “Aperture.” Guitar notes twinkle in the background while the weight of the vocals fills the tune with emotion. You might even hear the best of 90s college radio filtering through your speakers, albeit with a slightly different vocal approach pulling the last string off the post-punk sweater. There’s something quite attractive about a band that’s willing to weave something this powerful and yet completely different than their first single, leaving plenty of breathing room on I Held Their Eyes, I Kissed Them All, out July 26th.

Manners Manners Share Yr Well

I’m absolutely floored by this new single from Manners Manners; they take every bit of great indie moments in the past three decades and fuse it into this bashing brand of glorious pop. Initially, you might get hit up front by the striking force of the opening guitar play, but sit back as they pull back the blanket and reveal a slightly softer side of the tune; I love the emphatic vocals of the chorus as J Pinder sings “I have been to yr well/and it only flows backwards.” When they return to the verse the second go round, you begin to hear these echoing vocals that add a textural level that’s pretty special. As their guitars twist and intermingle, the tune opens up and another bit of vocals rip right through the tune, delivering yet another plot twist that makes the group’s sound consistently evolving. They’ll release I Held Their Eyes, I Kissed Them All on July 26th via 20/20 Records.

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