So Stuck on This Tears Track

11220094_1644756532442496_2804422469489400269_nWe’ve dabbled in the making of podcasts and playlists, and if I had to pick a song that stuck, or will stick, with all of November it’s got to be this spectacular Tears tune. The song comes into my ears sounding like this beautiful combination of indiepop, garage rock and shoegaze, adding a further layer with the deep tones of the vocal performance. The group, hailing from Denmark, has gotten some love via In Transit Records, and I’m just going to continue to pile up the praise. One listen and you’ll find yourself your own new favorite song; I promise.

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Fresh New Gorgeous Bully Track

intransitI’ve written about Manchester’s Gorgeous Bully before, but I’m back to prepare you to fall in love with the band today. I think their latest single is probably the most simplistic, yet ambitious piece, yet. It’s been really hard for me to pull myself away from this track; it’s either the gentle strumming or the backing of the vocals reaching near angelic heights. For some this will be their first experience with the band, but for others, just another reason to fall for a great act. This song appears on the forthcoming In Transit Records Transmission Vol. 1 Compilation.

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