Listen to a New Vomitface Tune

vomitfaceListening to this new track from Vomitface, it really starts to make a lot of sense that Steve Albini got himself behind the knobs to produce it. Maybe it’s just me, but Jared Micah sounds like a young Kurt Cobain (Incesticide era)…before it was all about the wailing. The track itself has a heavier handed bit of guitar, but that allows for the softness of Micah’s voice to really create this diverse feeling that draws you deep into the song’s emotional pull. They’ll release their debut LP, Hooray for Me, on August 26th.

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FT5: Forgotten Nirvana Songs

0213top5cover1Twenty-eight years ago today Kurt Cobain’s uncle gave him a choice of either a bike or a guitar as a present for his 14th birthday. Kurt chose the guitar. As the front man for Nirvana, he would spearhead a cultural shift in rock music by bringing underground rock overground with the album Nevermind. DGC records hoped to move 250,000 copies. It went on to sell millions and symbolically dethroned Michael Jackson from the #1 spot on the billboards. Suddenly the hair metal bands and carefully crafted pop icons that dominated before Nevermind’s release looked dated and ridiculous. Nevermind was more than just an album, it was a pivotal moment in rock history. Follow the jump as we unveil our Top 5 Forgotten Nirvana Songs.

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