Verboten Announce Debut Album

A story nearly 40 years in the making, Verboten have reunited to finally unleash their debut album, albeit with a new drummer. The band, on my end, get props for featuring two teachers in the group, particularly as this site was started by two teachers. And sure, Jason Narducy is going to get a lot of recognition, but you can’t crank a hit a rocker like this if you don’t have a solid band behind you. Those thundering drum hits throughout serve as a reckoning for what’s in store on their debut album, not to mention their service as a metronome that allows the rest of the group to swirl and noisily bang about. Their self titled debut will be out on October 4th.

SXSW Interview: Split Single

Jason Narducy is a certified indie rock bad ass, having played with Bob Mould, Robert Pollard and Superchunk. It’s been a bit since he took the stage as his own, but he’s been stepping back out under the name Split Single, backed by Britt Daniel and Jon Wurster (those names should ring a bell too). He’s released two albums in the last few years, most recently Metal Frames. There’s a jam from that LP at the end of the interview below.

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Hear a New Split Single Single

splitWhen this Split Single track ran early yesterday morning I was hoping it wouldn’t get passed over by too many folks…and it looks to have landed well. I mean, Jason Narducy has been around for a bit, but here he gets to make his own statement. I love the way this song never goes to quickly, or rushes to establish itself; the notes and the pacing all seem purposeful. While it definitely looks into good old fashioned alternative rock, it’s opening a chapter you can relish, with little sonic touches that create more space for the listener. The new album Metal Frames will be out on November 18th for you all to enjoy!

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