Jonas Wilson Shares Ruling the World

Whether he’s working at Mr Pink Records or playing with the Midnight Stroll/Night Glitter, it’s a wonder that Jonas Wilson has the time of day to sit down and write his own solo work. But, perhaps our current climate has allowed the Austin musician the time to celebrate his own craft, focusing on his love of piano and harmonica, though spun through his own droning lens. It’s like this slow moving train wreck before you, yet you find yourself captivated, staring as it erupts into a beautiful ball of fire. I was super into the fuzzy bounce of the last minute, so maybe that’s where that analogy comes. If you’re into chilled out dark pop, then you’ll want to keep an eye out for Science Fiction Post Blues.

New Music from the Midnight Stroll (Jonas Wilson+Aaron Behrens)

midnightstrollI just got turned on to Jonas Wilson last year, which was a great find. Luckily, Jonas reached out this week to let us know about a new project he’s been working on with Aaron Behrens of Ghostland Observatory; they’re working under the name of The Midnight Stroll. On the lead single from Heartbreak Bugaloo, you’ll hear Behrens distinctive voice, but I think it’s the musical work that Wilson does that really pushes the project. His approach of ebbs and flows in the song’s craft forces Aaron to take on some newer tunes, pushing his vocal range beyond where many of us have heard it. Look for their LP on June 1st when it gets its worldwide release!

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Austin Spotlight: Jonas Wilson Pens New Tune

jonasI feel like I know a lot of people about town, but even despite all his various works, I was pretty unaware of Jonas Wilson until the other day. That changed when his new single, “The Bleeder,” leaked out to the Internet world, catching my ear. I think there’s a really smooth touch to the production, providing a soft touch to a song that really seeks to slowly pull at the listener. I’m a huge fan of all the little notes and musical touches that are placed in the background, adding some density to the song. As of now, it’s a one off single, but worth your time today.

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