More From Doll Baby

As the month presses on, I am finding myself more and more a fan of Richmond based band Doll Baby. Already I posted the loud and raucous single “Alive”, which was a welcome introduction to the young upstarts. Now I’m hoping you’ll enjoy the band in a bit more of a mellow state with this new single “Softee”. It’s hard for me to put into words how much I love the vocal delivery of leading lady Julie Storey. She has this angry sort of restraint which is turned up and delivered with tons of growl and grit always at the perfect time. Sort of like a modern day Courtney Love if you will.

Doll Baby will drop The Hell Block EP on October 13th via Egghunt Records.

You’ve Got To Hear This Doll Baby Song

In the never ending quest to find something new and unique, it can sometimes become more painful than it should be. But then, hold the phone, a song like “Alive” from Richmond based Doll Baby and everything comes together. It’s a little bit of slower psych rock to start out, but wait for it, the song explodes about midway through and turns in to this slasher ready punk rock song. The vocal delivery from Julie Storey is about as good as it gets. For real.

Doll Baby have a new EP entitled Hell Block EP due out on October 13th via EggHunt Records.

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