Keeps Share Brand New Single

Years ago, we befriended Tennessee’s Keeps; we even had them play one of our SXSW parties (before we got priced out of fun). So, recently they reached out to let us know they had this delicious new tune we might want to check out. I was hooked immediately, as they employ this shattering guitar wall, woven in the track’s natural melodic fabric, keeping the heavy pop vibe. In the verses, you get something that definitely feels akin to a lot of modern acts, something you might find on a Good Morning or Hovvdy single too. We just really love the way that chorus kind of rides through your speakers, and we hope you’ll feel the same.

ATH Takes Over Nomad @ Nomad Bar (3/15)

nomadparty_ATHAfter a lot of hard work and tweaking of some components, I’m finally pleased to share the news of a show we have going down on Tuesday, March 15th at Nomad Bar in Austin. Personally I think this might be one of the best lineups we’ve ever been able to put together. Find some deets below and we’ll see ya there. Facebook event link.

Location: Nomad Bar Austin (Maps)

Time: ATH Happy Hour with music by us 5pm-7pm.Music @ 7pm.

Lineup: Keeps, Holy Esque, The Crookes, Adult Books, Oberhofer, Girls Names (check set times on that fancy poster)

Free & Open to the public. 21+ only. Sorry kids.

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