Classic Pop from Michael Seal

Michael Seal cuts his chops in one of our favorites, Proto Idiot, but his solo offering wears a slightly different pair of pants. To me, this reminds me of the Kinks, especially back in the old days. It’s got these careful little plotted notes and emphatic little “ooh la la las” lurking in the back, making it a catchy ditty. It seems it’s easy to go on and rehash old sounds, but to execute it with such a classic vibe is something quite special. Give a listen, and stay tuned for more, I hope!

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Kinks Hoot Night @ Ruta Maya (4/11)

hootnightRuta Maya is a venue that probably doesn’t get enough coverage on our site, so we thought we’d throw some love their way for a sweet event they’ve got going down Saturday night.  The show is a special one that features several of our favorite local up and coming acts doing nothing but Kinks covers.  Lineup includes ATH favorites Golden Bear, The Bubbles, Bankrupt and the Borrowers, Tunnels, Zookeeper and a mess load of other bands that won’t all fit on this page.  Music starts at 8:30 with a cover charge of $7.  You can get more info on the attached poster or on the Hoot Night myspace page.


Download: Golden Bear – Night Lights [MP3]

Soundtrack Of Our Lives – Communion

tsool2009Rating: ★★★☆☆

The 24 songs that make up Communion, the sixth LP (a double album) by stalwart Swedish throwback rockers The Soundtrack Of Our Lives (TSOOL), clock in at more than an hour-and-a-half. In theory, (and given the immediacy of modern acquiring and listening habits), the very notion of the double album is not only outdated, but a pompous statement of intent.

While there seems no discernible concept running through Communion that facilitates its length, it’s no small feat that the album coalesces as a whole. More than that, its songs offer enough surprises – and subtlety – to not just invite the listener, but warrant repeated exploration.

Splitting the difference between raucous Who-style garage jams (“Universal Stalker,” “Distorted Child”), and melodic Kinks and Sgt. Peppers-influenced songs (“Thrill Me,” “Pictures of Youth,” “Flipside”), Communion manages to maintain an identity of its own without too egregiously displaying its influences. At times TSOOL can sound a little too close to current bands mining the same rock history territory, (“Babel On” and “RA 88” are dead ringers for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) and the nod to their friends in Oasis – or The Bees (adept in their own right at delving fully into the past – is evident on “Flipside.”

But despite its pomp, and the debts it owes, the distortion-soaked “Saturation,” and the delicate “Pineal Gland Hotel” and “Without Warning,” among others, show moments of clear, singular beauty. With an album this long there are bound to be throwaways, but rather than focusing on the occasional missteps, Communion is a rare treat: an album that warrants a start-to-finish listen, no matter how long the trip.


Download: The Soundtrack of Our Lives – Flipside [MP3]

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