Pop Hits from Kuroma

kuromaThere’s something about this new track from Kuroma that reminds me of Papercuts; it begins rather innocently before building into this huge pop opus. The swelling burst of brilliance is accented by string orchestration, bouncing playfully during the song’s chorus. Oh, and if you’re listening to the lyrics here, then you’ll notice that the song’s a pretty nice ode to songwriter Hank Sullivant’s wife. This song will feature on the band’s new LP, The Dark Horse Rides Again, which comes out on October 14th via Votiv.

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Show Preview: Tame Impala @ Emos (12/1)

Date Wednesday, December 1st
Location Emos
Doors 900p
Tickets $10 from TicketWeb

Unless you’ve been hiding out this year, you surely are aware of the great storm that has spread concerning Australian group Tame Impala.  Their blend of psychedelic rock with various texturizing layers has won over every single writer here in the States, and deservedly so, as their record, Innerspeaker, is a joy to listen to, track after track after track.  You’ll find the psychedelia, you’ll find 90s alternative, and I hope you see the layering, such as that used on their album cover. As if this wasn’t enough, you also get to catch the group play with Star Death & the White Dwarfs and Kuroma.  If you’re looking for that other worldly musical experience on Wednesday night, then this is where you’ll need to be.


Download: Tame Impala – Solitude Is Bliss [MP3]

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