Psych Out With Walter

unnamedLos Angeles based band Walter create their very own style of psychedelic music with some throwback tendencies and heavily distorted guitars. Have yourself a taste of that irresistible sound with this latest single entitled “Poetics of Space”. It may take you a little while for this one to grow on you, but I can assure you the droning and heaviness will eventually grow on you with each and every listen.

This track is part of a new 7″ single due out on July 1st via Famous Class.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=433959059 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=none]

Say Hello to The Sweets


You won’t find much information about up and coming L.A. based band The Sweets when looking around on the internet, and apparently the band like to keep things on the mysterious side.  I do know that the band make some incredible hazy, surf, lo-fi pop music that’s perked up my ears over the last few days.  Our song sample below “Malts” is a perfect example of the band’s garage style take on mellowed out surfer music.  If you’re into it, check out more of the band’s tunes over on their bandcamp page.  Stay tuned for more information on The Sweets as it gets to us.


Download: The Sweets – Malts [MP3]

New Indie Pop From The Rubbish Zoo

Here’s a new song for you kids into the indie-pop genre from L.A. based group The Rubbish Zoo.  The jam is called “I Don’t Know Where I Go” and appears on the band’s latest self-titled EP that can be streamed for free over on their soundcloud page.  Hopefully these are some jams that can put you in a better mood if you’re Monday hasn’t started the way you wanted it to.


Download: The Rubbish Zoo – I Don’t Know Where I Go [MP3]

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