Win Tickets to Okkervil River!!!

This Wednesday night, Okkervil River is returning to town to play songs from their newest album, Away (and I assume so old classics as well). They’ll be playing at the Parish with Landlady and Corvette Summer. You can go the old fashioned way and get a pair of tickets right HERE…or, you can play along and WIN A FREE PAIR OF TICKETS!

All you need to do is leave a comment with your favorite song. If your favorite song is my favorite song, you’ll win the pair of tickets! Contest ends at 10 AM day of the show!

Landlady Unleash Another Single

landladyWhen we first heard from Landlady, the project of Man Man‘s Adam Shatz, we were ecstatic to hear what this new group offered.  Now that we’ve got another single to sink our teeth into, things are looking even better than before.  The vocals are patiently delivered, moving slowly to match the pace of the track as it moves effortlessly between louder rock moments and ornate guitar picking.  You’ll be able to hear the entire thing from the band when they release Upright Behavior on July 15th via Hometapes.

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Pleased to Meet You: Landlady

artworks-000070713585-wtoc0s-t500x500Collective groups are always interesting.  Sometimes you get to witness the powerful combination of songwriters, and other times, you get to watch things fall apart.  Landlady, the project of Adam Schatz of Man Man and his friends is picking up steam out of Brooklyn.  They’ve released a new single as they finish up work on their new album, which is slated for a summer release on Hometapes. This tune begins with a little piano tinkering before working in some jittery vocals that are reminiscent of Schatz’s main project.  The group heads on into Austin for SXSW, and while they’re name might not be out there just yet, it’s definitely one you should keep on your radar…even if you’re not going to be here for the festival.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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