Father John Misty Nails It
I’m aware that many of you heard the buzz about this track towards the end of last week, but I’d regret not posting such a beautiful and innovative tune on our site.  Coming your way from J. Tillman, a.k.a Father John Misty, is this glorious new single “Bored in the USA”.  It’s a tough one to pin down; the joint is clearly a singer songwriter track at its core with some ironic and “white people problems” lyrics that will easily speak to a guy like me.  Call it or define it however you will, I think it will easily be one of my tracks of the year.  Be patient, listen close, and enjoy the shear beauty.
Lots of folks online are also buzzing about the recent Letterman performance of this track so I’ll link that right here. Â Definitely want to check that out if you have the time.
Let’s all mark our calendars for February 10th and the release of new album I Love You, Honeybear on Sub Pop Records.[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/174787695″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]