Parquet Courts Return with New Single/New EP

parquetcourtsThey may not want to admit it, but for all intents and purposes, Parquet Courts are a Texas band! So, as a Texas-based site, we’re going to say nice things; they’re label What’s Your Rupture rules pretty hard too.  With the announcement of a new EP, the band is sure to start making waves again, just as they did with Light Up Gold.  This new track has the same chugging guitar lines their debut featured, but it includes new touches like a bit more distortion on the guitars and a recorder/flute.  It adds another dimension that will surely make the Tally All the Things That You Broke EP another success.  It hits the streets on October 8th, and the band will be playing both weekends of Austin City Limits.

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Punk Rock from Parquet Courts

I feel like it has been awhile since I’ve posted a good punk rock jam, but luckily today, I got ahold of Parquet Courts latest album, Light Up Gold.  The band has roots in Texas, although they currently operate out of New York, so it only seems natural that I’d gravitate towards their sound.  On this effort, they’ve got the production down, which has really made way for the songwriting to reach the listeners.  Those of you interested in the period where punk merged into post-punk will find yourself happy, as the grooves definitely are pogo worthy, and the vocal delivery is spot on.  Happy to support these guys; you can grab their record from Dull Tools.


Download:Parquet Courts – Borrowed Time [MP3]

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