Stream a New Loafer Track

loafer?Regardless of the fact that being a musician, in any city, seems to suck lately, Austin’s music scene is very much alive and kicking. One of the scenes I’ve kept my eye on is the group made up by Merdurhaus acts; today we’ve got a tune from the label’s Loafer. The project will release a brand new EP on April 1st (as long as it’s not a joke), and this single shows a little bit of the noodling twang that definitely pays homage to Mac Demarco…back in the home recording days. Still, I like the playfulness, such as including a soundbite mid track. Give it a twirl, and check out some of the labels other acts; there’s something for every body.

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ATX SPotlight: Hovvdy Release Split Tape w/ Loafer

hovvdyMerdurhaus Records are quickly making a name for themselves, releasing great tapes of some of the most promising young acts in town, such as Loafer and Summer Salt.  This week, they’re celebrating another release, which is a split between the previously mentioned Loafer and Hovvdy.  The Hovvdy jam is a quick little number, played out over synthesized beats with a hazy guitar part; it’s the sort of bedroom pop that’s made the style so endearing over the last few years.  They’ll both be playing this evening to celebrate the release of the tape over at Cheer Up Charlies, so sample and make a choice.

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Show Preview: Wildhoney @ Hotel Vegas (7.23)

11700529_10106409461315020_3334396368786306187_oAustin’s got a lot of musical things going, even a growing hip-hop scene, but one thing I’ll admit it lacks is a truly solid indiepop scene.  It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s one of my favorites, so I’m always clamoring for a great show.  We’re getting just that tomorrow night at Hotel Vegas as the dreamy Baltimore shoegazers in Wildhoney will be gracing us with their presence.  That alone is enough to warrant your attendance, but there’s three local acts that are just as good.  You’ve got Loafer, Rose Selavy (who have a 7″ coming up soon via ATH Records) and you’ve got Tres Oui.  Wait, you haven’t heard Tres Oui? Me either, but it’s the new project of Nate from Literature…one of the greatest indiepop bands out there. So, those of you with that softer side of indie rock in your blood, join us at 10 PM tomorrow night.

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