Camera Obscura Shares Liberty Print Video

Long ago, when a friend first suggested listening to Camera Obscura, I remember that it was all about Tracyanne Campbell’s voice; it felt steadfast in solitude, yet charming in its emotional power. When I listen to their latest single, “Liberty Print,” I can still feel the majesty in Campbell’s vocal performance, though sonically, you can hear the band moving in new directions; even Tracyanne comments that “it’s the song most unlike anything we’ve one before.” That charming openness of the song, leaving drifting guitar notes atop sampled synth notes is perfect, leaving the song with tons of space to be filled…and they do, adding in snappy drum work that gives the song a bit of gallop. Lyrically, the song manages to detail Campbell’s grief (after the passing of her brother) from within the context of a buoyant pop song; this the charming craft of a songwriter few can beat. Look to the East, Look to the West is out on May 3rd via Merge.

Camera Obscura Share We’re Going to Make It in a Man’s World

There’s so much new music out of late that it’s incredibly impossible to keep up with it all, unless that new music is coming from Camera Obscura, who I adore. After a long hiatus, the band are back with a new LP on the horizon, and this new single takes their fascination with country-tinged pop and fuses it with their classic pop sensibility. Through the repeat of the song’s title, the melody is built and layered, almost drilling the track right into your brain. You’ll also find some little playful interludes that see them tinkering with their songwriting; I love that they are still finding their way while adhering to some of their old pop feels. Look to the East, Look to the West will be out May 3rd via Merge Records.

Camera Obscura Return! New Album + New Single

How on Earth have we reached 10 years without a Camera Obscura record? This was the news that I wasn’t expecting, though now that I’ve sat with “Big Love” for a minute, I’m definitely celebrating. There’s an immediacy in the tune’s hook, Tracyanne Campbell’s voice is so powerful and distinctive, that you can’t pull away, even as you notice the band have begun to shift the sound a bit. Press info reports that the group have peeled back a bit of the horns and strings, turning towards organs, keys and a bit of swing to boot. One of my favorite things about this tune is that you can hear the shift in a new direction, though the move doesn’t seem outlandish, as the central style of songwriting is totally lurking beneath that slide guitar. Really excited to hear what’s in store on Look to the East, Look to the West, out May 3rd via Merge Records.

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