Small Labels and the Side Hustle Pt. 1

As someone who runs a label (and works on this web site), a lot of folks outside Austin probably assume it’s a full time gig. Truth be told, my main gig is as an 8th Grade Teacher, then a soccer coach, then the site and the label. It got me to thinking of all the other small labels that are out there that I follow closely; they’ve all got their own stories, their own side hustles to make things work in order to bring you the music they believe is the best. So I reached out to a few of them of them to see if they’d briefly share their stories; today we have words from Lost Sound Tapes, The Nothing Song, HHBTM and Arrowhawk Records. Read more

New Music from Tim the Mute

Tim the Mute is the project of one Tim Clapp, who also happens to run a rather great label, Kingfisher Bluez. Just recently he put up previews of a ton of new music; I’m particularly looking forward to the next full-length, Do In Yourself. In a sense, he’s writing the same classic pop songs he’s always written, but I feel like music of this sort has sort of gone to the wayside, unfortunately. His voice has some Wayne Coyne tones, which would be an easy way to connect, or just listen to someone writing earnest pop songs you won’t hear anywhere else. KB will release the vinyl, with Lost Sound Tapes putting out a tape version.

Temporary Eyesore Readies New Cassette

Temporary Eyesore is the brand new project of Zoe, who also plays in power rockers Halfsour. This time, she’s turning to flexing her musical muscles, constructing songs in a different fashion than what she’s done in her other projects. She says these songs are informed by aging and looking back on relationships and things that form your identity when your’e younger. I love how close one feels to the music in this single; it’s as if she’s recording in a room right behind…always an added charm. Plus, she has teamed up with two incredible labels in Anxiety Pop and Lost Sound Tapes for the release of the cassette on June 1st. Look out on the webs (PTrash specifically) next week for the stream of the tape, or pre-order it HERE.

Premiere: Family Video Drops New Tune

You might remember a few weeks back that we dropped news that Family Video would be releasing a new album on Lost Sound Tapes; Long Time Listener, First Time Caller will be released on March 16th. The video below is for one of the standout tracks from the LP, offering listeners a glimpse of the quiet bedroom pop being crafted by J. King. The song sounds fragile, like it could break in your hands, yet the emotional appeal washes over you; it seems so personal that you almost feel like you shouldn’t be listening. I love the way the guitars pick up just before the 1:30 mark, giving an ever so slight touch of energy. Pre-Orders for the new cassette can be found HERE.


Catching Up with Lost Sound Tapes

Several years ago I came across Lost Sound Tapes, I felt like it specialized in the prefect blend of DIY ethics and bedroom pop. The label had a few releases in 2017, but it looks like big things are in store for fans in 2018…they’ve just announced 3 new releases. They just dropped the new Squill LP, Bury It…which can be streamed HERE. But, looking forward, they have two releases coming in February that would appreciate your ears. First, Badlands will release 10 new tracks detailing life, death, space, love and everything in between; it’s the project of Adrian Chi Tenney. Second, Family Video will release their debut full-length; it’s a charming bit of pop, seemingly drawing from the alternative vibe of the late 90s through a more more modern scope. Small labels are important, and this is one of my favorites.

New Music from Shrouded Amps

I can always count on Lost Sound Tapes to rescue me from the musical doldrums, as they did with their announcement of a new EP from Shrouded Amps. I’m posting the first of a few tracks they tossed out, as I love the downward spiral the band take you down in the opening moments just before dueling male/female voices provide an uptick in the song’s spirit. Working together, the voices and the band create beautiful cacophony, the sort that’s intoxicating for any fan of pop music. The Come Along to the Chocolate Church release will be handed out to those in need on May 5th.

Upbeat Pop from Tyler Martin

Tyler Martin, a member of indie rockers James Rabbit, is out to one-up Stephin Merritt. Stephin’s Magnetic Fields song is bringing a new 50 song album next week, but this week, Tyler is releasing Cioppino, a 100 song album of the most diverse pop hits you’ll find. It’s one thing to write that many tunes, but the fact that they’re great, only makes the accomplishment all the better. This single has remnants of Ted Leo in the vocals, emphatic in delivery, while the music offers this shimmering boogie. Lost Sound Tapes is releasing an awesome 4 tape package, containing all 100 songs; pick it up HERE.

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Loving This Neutral Shirt Tune

neutralshirtIn the New Year, I’m just going to keep jamming to shit I like. Today, and probably for the next few days, comes this hit from Neutral Shirt…with the fresh announcement of their 2016 EP via Lost Sound Tapes. I like the lyrical delivery of singer Matt Terrones…oddly reminiscent of John Samson. But, while I love that aspect, I think the song is ultimately successful because of the longing female accompaniment during the chorus. Those of you looking to shine some light into your lives will gladly press play on this track…and then over and over again. Look to pick up the EP when it’s released this Friday.

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Buzzed Rocker from Tim the Mute

lostsoundI always check in with Lost Sound Tapes, as you’ve got to keep an eye on the labels you love the most, which is how I discovered this really incredible number from Tim the Mute…the label’s most recent offering. I know this sounds weird, but imagine yourself listening to the world where the upbeat Neutral Milk Hotel tracks crash into the world of Robert Pollard; that’s the only explanation I can think of, but it’s the most fitting. You’ll find it to be one of the more endearing scuzzy rockers you’ll hear today, so grab the new album Take My Life…Please from the label now! You can also stream the whole album over HERE.

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New Music from Family Video and Sparkle Water

splittapeOne of my favorite little labels is Lost Sound Tapes, as I’ve mentioned before, but I was getting worried as they’d been quiet the last few months. But, sweat no more, as the label is releasing a split tape between Family Video and Sparkle Water (both Canadian). The Sparkle Water side seems to hold a groovier, slightly louder sound, working between lo-fi and noise rock. Family Video (at least on the single) gets to play the innocent foil, bringing in a softer piece to balance out the feel of the tape. Can’t tell you which I love more, but you can make up your own mind and grab the tape on June 3rd.

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