Pleased to Meet You: Cave Babies

caveMan, I don’t know how we all do it. There’s so much music out there, that it’s hard to really dig into every thing. Luckily, I always can count on a few labels, like Lost Sound Tapes, who today just introduced me to Cave Babies. The label will be releasing a new tape from the project on February 26th, and our first listen has me really intrigued. It reminds of bedroom pop blended with some of the early work of Jens Lekman. There’s an innocence that’s enchanting and hard to pull yourself away from, so take a listen and enjoy your time. Grab a copy from the label HERE.

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Back In Time with Love In Mind

love-in-mind-coverSo the story goes that Love In Mind blossomed, bloomed and died…though not under tragic circumstances, just under the reality of living life. Still, the Seattle act left a lasting imprint, and one that’s reverberated through the various members new projects (Dozer, Sick Sad World). But, they’ve graciously completed the recordings of their tracks and are now making them available through a limited cassette run on Lost Sound Tapes. The single definitely has a very Pacific Northwest feel to it, at least in so far as the first half of the track goes before ringing guitar stabs and bobbing drums take you tightly to the finish. You like what you hear? Grab a cassette before they vanish, just like the band.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Stream the New Album from Knifepleats

knifeI’m an admitted fan of Rose Melberg and her work, so when we heard about a new project, Knife Pleats, I was really excited to hear what it had to offer. As expected, it’s every bit as glorious as we thought, and the full length is now available to pick up on your own. If you’re looking for something that’s just slightly hazy on the sound, but adheres to the delightful side of indiepop, then I think you’re going to want to pick up Hat Bark Beach. It’s available in the US via Lost Sound Tapes and Jigsaw Records.

Rose Melberg’s New Band = Knife Pleats

knifepleatsI think any fan of great indie rock the last several years has to agree that no matter what Rose Melberg touches, it’s going to be magic…in some way or another.  The last project we had from her was Imaginary Pants, but now she’s got a new outfit up and running, Knife Pleats. And yes, as always, Melberg and her pals fulfill the promise, creating hook filled tunes that make you feel young…and ultimately smile. The foursome will release Hat Bark Beach on September 29th via Lost Sound Tapes…with the CD version coming out later via Jigsaw…both reliable options for great tunes.

[soundcloud url=”https%3A//” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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Exuberant Pop from Craig Salt Peters

craigI’m growing a wee bit weary of the same old thing.  It’s all atmospherics and bedroom production takes, but I really just want an energetic tune that will get under your skin.  This tune from the new Craig Salt Peters does just that; it gives you a quick cutting pop song that’s wearing just a shade of grit.  It’s one of the many great tracks on the band’s new album, Songs From Hungry Ghosts.  The entire album is filled with songs that are immediately accessible and undeniably catchy.  If you’re into it, you can order it from Lost Sound Tapes, and I suggest you do!


Download: Craig Salt Peters – Seeing You [MP3]

Rose Melberg Wears Imaginary Pants

3132283664-1I wanted to bringing you something special on a Friday, something I thought you could really sink your teeth into before you hit the weekend. This little jam comes from Rose Melberg and her new project Imaginary Pants.  The duo has a collection of demos, but they sounds pretty incredible if you ask me. I like the opening jam, and I can see how the sound fits into the modern music industry, with vocal harmonies and a little bit of twang. They’re going to toss out this wonderful collection on Lost Sound Tapes sometime in the near future, so keep a look out. You can grab all the demos HERE.


Download: Imaginary Pants – Cave to Cave [MP3]

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