Show Review: Crystal Stilts @ Red 7 (10.24)

Having followed Crystal Stilts since their inception, including their involvement with Cinema Red and Blue, it’s surprising that I hadn’t caught the band live yet.  But, Thursday night was going to change that, and my anticipation was riding high, after absorbing more and more of the group’s recent album, Nature Noir

Read on for my highlights on the night, including photos from Brian Gray.

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Fun Number from Lovely Bad Things

The press release for Lovely Bad Things starts out with “if the Pixies and Black Lips got drunk at a party…”  For me, the first thing I thought was “Man, wish I was cool enough to be there.”  Then, I figured the next best thing would be to hear the combination of those two acts, and thus we have LBT.  They’ve got a an EP, New Ghost/Old Waves, that was released on cassette, but should be back on vinyl on March 13th of this year. I see a bit more sunshine in their brand of pop then perhaps the press release mentions, but that’s definitely an added bonus; pretty sure most people will enjoy this simple little jam.


Download: Lovely Bad Things – I Just Want You to Go Away

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