Bops of the Week: July 5th – 9th

Here we are on another Monday, about halfway through the musical calendar, and while I should probably be working on one of those magically meaningless “Midway Best Of,” I feel like I’d be letting down our friends if we didn’t do our wrap-up of the goods from last week. Honestly, and I won’t throw out names, but there are some jams that would certainly make my best of the year list…one in particular. Can you guess it? Also, some of the new stuff by Love, Burns and Normil Hawaiians isn’t streaming, so I linked you to some of their other work you might enjoy. Mostly, it’s Monday, and I like to make this playlist for my friend Marc, so he doesn’t have to read anything and just gets music. Happy Monday folks!

Stream New EP From Low Horizon

Houston based outfit Low Horizon came onto my radar a couple of years ago and I’ve been eagerly awaiting new music from the band ever since. Well now the trio are back with not just one, but three new tunes on a brand new EP of material entitled Two Days. The EP highlights the bands sort of old school, garage rock meets indie sound similar to bands like Sleater-Kinney or Built to Spill. I’ve been lucky enough to share the stream for you fans, and if you dig it, consider throwing them a few dollars over on bandcamp for a download. Viva la Texas!

Pleased To Meet You: Low Horizon

Low Horizon is an up and coming 4 piece band straight out of our friendly neighbor city to the East, Houston, TX. The band is a totally DIY effort, recording music on their own with plans to self-release a debut album on May 10th entitled Eternal Depressed Summer. For a preview of the band’s work, we’ve been cleared to share this new single, “Eternal Summer”. For me, the band create this infectious blend of 90s indie rock with an updated, higher quality production to deliver something new and unique. Nice to meet you.

You can pre-order Eternal Depressed Summer over on the group’s bandcamp page.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1035306566 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=737244641]

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