Join Us at Cheer Up Charlies Tonight: Lowin, Yukon Gold and more…

We love to work with our friend John over at SideOneTrackOne, who also handles one of Austin’s local radio shows, 101X Homegrown. We’ve teamed up with him this week to bring you a show of great importance over at Cheer Up Charlies; you get four incredible Austin acts for the price of a Bud Light at any of the bars on 6th Street. Zettajoule kicks things off for the evening, followed by Yukon Gold, Star Parks and Lowin. It’s important to note here, of course, that Yukon Gold is the supergroup formerly known as All Eyes, but with a new singer. Doors are at 9 PM, with more info HERE.

Photos: ATHvsSOTO 2018

We’ll be out and about the rest of the week to view the things during SxSW so remember to check out the twitter and our various instagram accounts.

Either you missed the big Austin Town Hall vs. Side One Track One party, or perhaps you were there and want to relive it. Check out the gallery after the break that features faces, bands, instruments, lights, beverages, scenes and moods from the day and night at Hotel Vegas. Highlights for me were Glaze, Nite, El Lago, BLXPLTN, Tres Oui, Daphne Tunes and Marmalakes. Find these bands during SxSW. You’ll be happy if you do.

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Announcing the ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for, the announcement of our annual AustinTownHall vs Side One Track One SXSW party. We’re throwing down at Hotel Vegas/Volstead again, and we’ve booked a pretty solid lineup of acts. We’ve got some bands with huge buzz like Caroline Says or Why Bonnie, a handful of ATH Records artists…and we even got in a few out of town acts like Nite and El Lago. Best news of all? It’s absolutely free, so all you have to do is come on over and just enjoy yourselves…there’s something for everybody. Show kicks off at 2 PM and lasts all day and night. Plus, we love you, so you don’t even have to RSVP! Check out the event page, and plan ahead, you’ll be here all day!

ATX Spotlight: Lowin Kick Out Another Jam

LowinWe gotta support the ATX this time of year, and what better way to do it than tossing out this new tune from Lowin.  On their latest tune, there’s really two sides to offer up, both equally engaging for audiences.  Sara Houser builds a driving rhythm with the rest of the band, her voice just below a powerful wail.  Carry on beyond the 2.5 minute mark and you’ll see the band switch things, offering up a more swollen version of indie rock, building with chords that wait to crash down on the listener. It’s just another reason to keep an eye out for their Royal Jelly EP, which hits on April 7th.

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New Years Eve Party @ Cheer Up Charlies

TicketBudBannerWell, you’ve only got a few days left before 2015 kicks into gear, so why not join us and our friends to really make your night a bang? We’re helping host a rad night of music and good times at Cheer Up Charlies with our friends at SOTO, OVRLD and No Play Music. There’s going to be tons of great bands: Mom Jeans, Sphynx, Sour Notes, Silk Rodeo, Grape St., Lowin and A Sinclair…so basically, you’ve got all the reasons right there! But…there will also be various other activities like a midnight balloon drop and free puppies. Party time starts at 7 PM, and it’s only $5!  You can guarantee entry by grabbing tickets HERE. Hope to see you out, and if not, have a safe night folks…we’ll all hang more in 2015.



Show Preview: Alex Napping Album Release @ Cheer Ups – TONIGHT!

AlexNapping_VineetGordhandas-1It’s Friday, and you need something to do.  You’re in Austin, looking for a great show.  Problem solved, you should be at Cheer Up Charlies for the anticipated release of Alex Napping‘s debut LP, courtesy of Punctum Records.  It’d be easy to just say, go see Alex Cohen play; she and the band are great.  And that’s very true.  But, in order to draw a solid crowd, you’ve got to have some great opening acts, like Big Bill, Soft Swells and Lowin.  Big Bill‘s oddball garage rock never fails to impress.  Soft Swells are on the trustworthy label, Modern Outsider (local label!).  Lowin, well, let’s just say this is one of the next big things to get out of Austin. Solid bill from start to finish.  Get there at 8 in time for things to kick off!

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Show Preview: Sweet Spirit Residency @ the Blackheart (7/5 + Saturday in July)

1609879_544202789008542_1460629855_nFrom the ashes rises the phoenix…or something like that right?

Having one of your favorite bands break up is always a bummer, but sometimes you get lucky and end up with a new favorite cobbled from the pieces of the old. Saturday at the Blackheart two bands will stand as a reminder that great things can be built out of broken pieces.
July 5th at the Blackheart is the first of Sweet Spirit’s residency shows. Sweet Spirit was formed after the demise of local favorite powerhouse Bobby Jealously. Commandeered by the energetic front women Sabrina Ellis, Sweet Spirit is poised to absolutely destroy the Austin music scene. Sabrina Ellis’ melodies are immediately engaging, and combined with her clever pop lyrics have a way of latching onto the brains of listeners. Ellis is backed on stage by an equally talented band. Sweet Spirit is one of those rare finds where the entirety of the backing band is talented enough to each front one of their own groups, and with Ellis at the helm the sum is certainly greater than the parts. Sweet Spirit takes the inside stage at midnight every Saturday this month, so no there are no excuses to miss this band.

Another highlight of the night is sure to be Lӧwin. Fans of the now defunct the Couch already know what a vocal powerhouse Sara Houser is. In Lӧwin, Sara Houser takes the guitar heavy sounds of the Couch and condenses them into more focused, sculpted songs. There’s no fat or gristle on the recently released two tracks Lobo and Heave Ho. Lӧwin plays on the inside stage at 8:30, and if I could make a prediction that will be one sweaty, rockin’ room.

Click HERE to see other great acts on the bill.

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