Last Week’s Jams (10.23 – 10.27)

We had a busy week here at ATH, prepping for the festival by throwing some Levitation interviews your way, but there was still tons of music to get out there. We ran some conversations with Video Age, Pachyman, Civic and Shannon and the Clams…plus, I got a Rock n’ Recipe in from the good folks at Lower Plenty. So, lots of words to read from other folks on their music. We also had fresh tunes all over the place from ATH favorites like the Umbrellas, Steven van Betten and Glimmer. Pretty busy week with tons to talk about, so be sure to browse through the site too…as there’s more than just sweet jams from last week!

Stream New Old Power Pop from Manufactured Recordings

What’s old is new again, amiright? Lucky for us, Manufactured Recordings are reissuing some greats from classic power-pop, and boy are we lucky. You’ve got Aussie act Manikins reissuing From Broadway to Blazes; you have Jersey’s The Modulators tossing out Tomorrow’s Coming; and, you’ll get a collection from Smart Remarks, titled Foreign Fields 1982-1984. I don’t have a favorite of the three, as they all sound great…you pop fans will want these releases. They’ll hit stores on February 17th!

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