Are You on the Boogarins Train Yet?

boogarinsWhen we first heard about Boogarins, I’ll admit I casually lumped them into the rehash psych pile, only to circle back after catching the band live. I have to claim insanity, or perhaps naivety, as the group’s quickly become one of my favorite groups of the genre. Still, the band’s only sold themselves more as they’ve progressed; you should just listen to the musicianship in the songwriting that exists in their latest single. It’s the second single from Manual, the band’s newest effort, which have sold me…especially with the album’s intriguing artwork; look for it to be released on October 30th via Other Music.

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Boogarins Are Back

boogarinsTraditionally, I wouldn’t post a lyric video…but seeing as this song isn’t available any other way yet and it’s in Portuguese, it might just require such a post.  Well, there’s that and the fact that I really enjoy the work that Boogarins have been doing…this new jam included.  You’ll definitely hear moments of the band’s exploratory psych tendencies, but I also like the art-pop moment that comes from the line “that will not let me see the sun/they will not let me see the sun;” it’s possibly my favorite moment on the track.  Their new LP, Manual, will be available on October 30th via Other Music/Burger Records.


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