Azure Blue Share New Electronic Pop Number

Tobias Isaksson seems to be no a roll the last couple of years with his Azure Blue project, settling into a groove of releasing pop gem after pop gem; he released “Shine On” late last year, just a few months after the release of the excellent Fast Falls the Eventide. Quietly, Matinee Recordings has uploaded a new song with the promise of the forthcoming Images of You album. This song features steadied electronic pulses; Tobias excels at layering his sonic bursts atop one another until they seem like one endless pop pulsation. His voice has always had this natural soothing warmth, perfectly fit to his brand of pop…and this tune is no different. Look for the new album to come sooner rather than later, though no official date is out there.

Bubblegum Lemonade Share Final Single

You were wondering how we were going to wrap up the day? Well, we could have done so by streaming another album, Desperately Seeking Sunshine, but we’ve opted to give you their final single before you go over to Matinee Recordings and grab it yourself. It’s the perfect sendoff to a Friday, filled with bright chords that seem to radiate sunshine like an angel’s light shining through your speakers. Plus, Laz throw’s in some “sha la las” throughout the track, so you’d have to have lost your heart if you’re not tapping your toes and grinning as you listen. If your world seems like a lonely place, or you just love great pop music, listen to this track from Bubblegum Lemonade over and over and on and on again.

Another New Tune from Bubblegum Lemonade

This Friday you’ll all be treated to the brand new LP from Bubblegum Lemonade, Desperately Seeking Sunshine. It’s an apt title for anything involving Laz; his songs always seem to be reaching for that light, reaching for that melody on high. His guitar lines in this new single circle about your ear building this swell of pop bravado that’s sent straight to your brain; and there are also some beautiful little backing vocals to aid in that gesture. I’m just not sure how much praise I can pass on to you in order to get you to listen to the great songs on this album. It’s out Friday via Matinee Recordings, so try one more gem.

Red Sleeping Beauty Celebrate Stockholm LP with New Single

Since their fabulous return, Red Sleeping Beauty have been working pretty hard on crafting delightful pop numbers, and today they release Stockholm, their new LP! At first this tune caught me off guard; it has a much deeper electronic pulse than the majority of the band’s work of late; it’s heavier and dark. But, the group are able to play upon that, working with melody that will never make you think of this track as a dark club banger. I mean, just listen to the chorus and delivery of the lines “New York City girls, New York City boys;” it’s the perfect balance of club hit and bedroom pop. I love this tune; find the album over at Matinee Recordings, out today!

Fresh Track from Red Sleeping Beauty

By now you’re aware of my infatuation with Sweden’s Red Sleeping Beauty, who’ve been kicking around for decades with delightful pop music. Today, they announce their new album, Stockholm, with a bright pulsing number that’s sure to start off your Friday in the right fashion. Kristina Borg gets the start here, and the chorus allows the rest of the band to join, briefly; I’m a big fan of the “ooh ooh” that follow the chorus. Lyrically, the song calls out Winter in Sweden, which seems to create an emotional darkness, atop the natural onset of long nights…but don’t worry, they see the promise in Swedish Summer. Stockholm will be available on April 12th via Matinee Recordings.

Fresh Indiepop from Bubblegum Lemonade

Dear Laz,
I just wanted you to know how happy I am that you and Bubblegum Lemonade are back with new music; I feel like it’s been a few years since we last spent time together. There’s something so timeless about the way you construct your songs that inevitably leaves them stuck in my brain. On first listen, people might overlook the way you add in these textured vocal harmonies for emphasis in “Our Mother’s House;” it’s so light that one might barely notice if they’re staring out the window nostalgically…as many of your fans are likely to do. I’m so excited that Desperately Seeking Sunshine is right around the corner (via Matinee Recordings), but I’m even more thankful that you tossed in some exclusive B-sides on this EP. Anyways, just wanted to reach out and tell you I love your work.

Brand New Pop from Azure Blue

Having already released the Fast Falls the Eventide LP earlier this year, Azure Blue is back with another sensational electro-pop single to warm your hearts. The synth work throughout definitely nods to 80s soundtrack scores, though with perhaps a heavier bend on pushing the natural hooks. But, you don’t have success until you combine those hooks with Tobias Isaksson’s voice; he has this naturally hushed calm that rides atop these songs, charming passersby from the get-go. No word on when exactly the new album will hit, but we’ve been promised it will be ready by next year via Matinee Recordings.

Best of Indiepop 2018

Everyone has their own definition of indiepop; but I tend to ascribe to the original craft where DIY aesthetics and a softer response to punk were all the rage. But, to each their own. So I went through last year to compile what I think is a pretty all encompassing Best of Indiepop 2018; there’s no order, just a collection of really great indiepop. Some of the below are songs, some are albums, some are just bands or labels that were important. Click on for my picks and a playful playlist. Read more

The Perfect Indiepop from The Perfect English Weather

The more I see indiepop used as a descriptor, the more I try to decipher what exactly it all means. In my mind, the music being crafted by Simon and Wendy (of Popguns fame), is the ideal indiepop sound, if only for those that appreciate the softer underbelly of the genre. As the Perfect English Weather, the duo have been crafting these songs of fond yearning; I love how the guitar work is textured and subtle, setting up Wendy for her beautiful vocal display. I always feel better having listened to the group, and I assume that’s the feeling I’ll get from the band’s next album, Don’t You Wanna Feel the Rain, released by Matinee Recordings next week.

Indiepop Blast From the Past: Airport Girl

I’m one of those weirdos that trolls all my favorite things…I subscribe to everything and anything that I love…that’s how I was reminded yesterday of this incredibly great Airport Girl tune when it popped up on FortunaPop’s Youtube channel (not sure why?). This track goes all the way back, but sounds like just about everything I love about the indiepop genre. It’s got a powerful fuzzed out guitar working beneath a cleaner cut version; giving sort of a rambunctiousness to the overall sound; it’s like if Comet Gain sounded noisier and maybe even a bit braver. I mean, they flesh it out with horns! If you’re wandering where this track came from; there’s an appearance on the Honey, I’m an Artist LP, as well as via 7″ from, label owner and band member, Fortuna Pop (yes, that’s his name!). Sure, the song’s almost 20 years old, but I got sent a bunch of bullshit hip-hop yesterday, so I’m traveling back in time to when things were good.

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