LoFi Pop from Blades of Joy

This Blades of Joy gem has been bouncing around the Internet for a wee bit, but I was out having one of those baby things, so forgive me for not being on the up and up. That being said, this is one of the songs I rushed to get up upon my return. You might be able to toss the group into any number of categories, but most importantly, you’ll keep coming back to celebrate how great the music is. There’s a noticeable indifference in the guitar work, and yet the vocals have this warmth that could soothe any listener. There’s this timelessness to it, wherein it could fit into any musical decade and make an impact. If you listen to any one song today, make this the one. The band’s self-titled LP will drop on September 21st via Melters.

Noisy Pop from Violent Change

vc3I have no idea how I stumbled upon this great tune from Violent Change, but I’m so glad I did! It’s this brilliant piece of noisy pop, falling some place where the worlds of Royal Headache and GBV crash. You’ll hear appropriate bits of fuzz through your speakers, but beneath it lurks this elegant melody that’s simply undeniable. I think you’re going to be stuck listening to this track all day long, as I know I can’t get enough of it. This is our first listen to the band’s new piece from their record, VC3, which is being released by Melters on September 16th. Dammit this song is amazing.

Lo-Fi Grunge From Violent Change

violentchangeI don’t know about y’all, but for me Tuesdays go better with some grunge rock…well, any day sort of goes better with grunge rock. That source of tunes on the darker, grittier side of things today comes from Violent Change, a band out of San Francisco who have got a good thing going with their loud, explosive sound. When you press play on “Unit A,” you’ll be pleased with the waves of distortion that will meet your ears. The vocals are echo-y and far away in the mix, while the guitars are crunchy with gritty noise. It’s a good lo-fi track, and makes me excited to hear more from the band, and lucky for me they’ll be releasing their third LP jointly on Melters and It Takes Two.

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