Tele Novella Share Paper Crown Video

As anticipation builds for the release of Merlynn Belle, Tele Novella share one final video/single to entice your ears before it drops. And no offense to Jason here, but this track is completely Natalie’s show; her vocals are right in the front of the mix, showing off this insane range. Steady pop notes rise to meet quivering high notes, then dropping right into the max in this incredible playful manner; there’s also an emphatic punch that’s set up in the chorus, riding along the gallop of the drums. While I’ve always enjoyed the work of the band, this whole LP is starting to really really special. Kill Rock Stars will drop it for us all on February 5th.

Tele Novella Share Never Video

You ever turn on a song, and it just brings back memories, things you’d long forgotten? Well, I turned on this great new Tele Novella tune, and here I am flooded with nostalgia…and in a way, its not even my nostalgia. It feels like its from an unknown moment of timelessness, somewhere, me sitting in some breakfast nook with a cup of coffee and music playing in the background. It’s some beautiful ballad, and I reimagine my father or mother doing the same thing, only twenty years prior. It’s a weird feeling, but there’s something about a band and a song that can move you in that manner, transport you to a time you might not even know existed…but in doing so, there’s comfort, solace…and for me, that was this gem of a tune. It’ll appear on the group’s new LP, Merlynn Belle, out via Kill Rock Stars on February 5th.

Tele Novella Release Technicolor Town

It’s been almost five years since we’ve heard from Tele Novella, but today we get to listen to their first bit of new music since House of Souls. I love the forlorn weariness of Natalie’s voice that comes through here immediately, perhaps influenced by their new home in “lost in time” Lockhart; it has this timelessness, which might be the best descriptor for this group. But, as always, they layer in little doses of sublime pop, like the faint bubbling up just near the 1:10 (or 2:47) mark of this tune. This tune will appear on the group’s new album Merlynn Belle, which will come out via Kill Rock Stars.

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