New Jam from Ex-Cult

exexDidn’t want to throw all these mellow jams at you without giving you something to turn up loud. Ex-Cult released the excellent Midnight Passenger LP earlier this year, and they’re already looking to start off next year with a band, bringing you the Cigarette Machine EP .  The lead tune is below, bringing you that gritty sensation of danger the band have oft encompassed in their live sets.  Some bands, you skip over the EPs, but not this band, every song is worth a solid listen.  Grab your own on February 9th courtesy of Castle face Records.

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Fun Fest Interviews: Ex-Cult

unnamedIt’s really hard to believe, but Fun Fest is just a short two weeks away now and it’s time to start doing some prep work.  As usual, we’ll be offering up some interviews, band previews, tips, photos, and anything else we stir up on our crazy minds.  Today we shall begin our coverage with a quick interview spotlighting Memphis punk band Ex-Cult.  We’ve been fans of this band for awhile so naturally we’re excited for this one.  Follow the jump for interview.

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New Music from Ex-Cult

ex-cult_vice_670Couldn’t have Tuesday pass without throwing out something a little bit heavier, like this brand new jam from Ex-Cult.  These guys have been one of our favorite acts since they popped up, and I’ve really enjoyed the new music they’ve been working on.  Personally, I like the recording here, with really clear vocals up front, while the rest of the band pummels you with forceful drums and noisy guitar lines.  They’ve got a new record titled Midnight Passenger coming out on April 29th via the reliable Goner Records.  Take a little listen and get your energy up right this minute.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Ex-Cult Returns with New Rocker

excultThis new album by Ex-Cult is one of those albums that I wasn’t even aware was coming down the pipeline, but now that I’ve heard this new single, I’m actually getting pretty excited.  The recording is definitely a bit stronger than their first effort, with Chris Shaw’s vocals sounding stronger.  There’s also a propulsive mood to the tune, with the heavy pounding of the drum kit leading you down a path meant for destruction.  It’s a pretty confident track, illustrating the growth of a band that’s ready to unleash their fury on American audiences. Goner Records will be releasing Midnight Passenger on April 29th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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