More Pop from Beaty Heart

beatyHave you not heard enough of my adoration for Beaty Heart? Well, if you have, I’m ignoring you and posting yet another enjoyable track.  While the band’s used some odder time structures and rhythms in their past singles, this is perhaps the most up-front approach to the band’s songwriting.  Those of you who miss the innocence and joy of early Animal Collective will definitely find this track right up your alley.  It’s got the same sense of playfulness, giving the song a certain flavor that will enable you to bob up and down for the rest of the afternoon.  Their debut album, Mixed Blessings, will be out on June 2nd.


Download: Beaty Heart – Seafood [MP3]

Playful Fun with Beaty Heart

beatyRemember when you were so in love withe frivolity of Vampire Weekend?  It was all tribal beats and sunny harmonies? Well, you’re going to love this new tune from the UK’s Beaty Heart.  They’ve got such a wonderful blend of all those elements, still demonstrating their own artistic aspirations as musicians.  I’ve spent a lot of time listening to their album, Mixed Blessings, and it couldn’t come out a more perfect time.  You want an album that’s going to make your summer pool parties a blast? Then you’ll want to pick up their record on May 12th via Nusic Sounds, followed by a short US tour (that doesn’t include Austin).



More New Music from Beaty Heart

beatySpending some time with Mixed Blessings, the forthcoming LP from Beaty Heart, I’m coming to the decision that there aren’t too many bands creating the music these London lads are crafting.  There’s tribal elements throughout the record, with some songs promoting more energy, while others, like the one below, are a little bit more subdued.  Those of you who are in love with the creative world that goes on beneath the upper-echelon of indie bands will surely find yourself attached to what’s being put in front of you here before the band’s May 12th release.


Download: Beaty Heart – Yadwigha’s Theme [MP3]

Spirited Number from Beaty Heart

beatyheartRemember when Animal Collective was weird and enchanting?  Yeah, I know it’s been awhile, so turn your ears towards Beaty Heart instead.  They’re using tribal influences and loops to create this oddball pop tune that’s playful, yet wholly intelligent in design.  I like the restraint shown too, as they don’t push themselves beyond the limits of absurdity, leaving the listener with a tune that defies most modern genres, yet still hold a certain level of accessibility. This single will be appear on the group’s Mixed Blessings album, which is slated to be released in May.

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