Last Week’s Jams (4.22 – 4.26)

It’s been a strange few weeks if I’m looking at the numbers on our Last Week’s Jams; we’ve run 28 songs for the last three weeks, compiling a fun playlist that runs at 1.5 hours. Well, whatever, time’s on your side my friends. We were fortunate to premiere a couple of stellar tunes this week from the Ar-Kaics and Noelle and Deserters; one offers a crackling fire of psychedelia while the other is a bit more old school western vibes. And, there was the joyous return of Bad Moves! Of course, we also filled the pages with new stuff from Lightheaded, Laughing, Luma Fade, Lunchbox and the Laughing Chimes…you know, all the big Ls! Some Austin love as always via mentions of new records from Don’t Get Lemon and Hovvdy too. Sit back and get into Monday.

Mnevis Share T.K. Collider

There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Swiss outfit Mnevis after the release of their debut Episodes; they’ve gotten a bit of praise for folks that are inclined to digest Radiohead’s catalog in one sitting. Take, for instance, this new sprawling opus; it flirts with you as if it were a piece of mundane pop, utilizing autotune and synthetic beats to gets its hooks in you. And, as you’re satisfied with the pleasantries, it unfolds with both beats and vocals dousing themselves in a more pure form at the motorik beat rings true. Now’s your chance to be on the front lines of what’s cool in Switzerland…plus just enjoy a nice little morning musical marathon.

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