Promised Land Sound Give Us A New One

988605_388342504603069_2075855350_nWe’ve given some love to Promised Land Sound in the past so you shouldn’t be surprised to see their name mentioned here again.  Today they have this great new track “Otherworldly Pleasures” for your listening pleasure.  It’s a little bit psychedelic with dashes of Americana and maybe even just a hint of folk stylings for good measure.

You can pick up new album For Use and Delight on October 2nd via Paradise of Bachelors.

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Get Rowdy With Pujol

PujolWhen looking for a little rowdy rock fun with some dashes of pop sprinkled here and there, one need look no further than Nasvhille based Pujol.  Long a staple on ATH, Daniel Pujol and his band of misfits create their own unique brand of rock n roll that can be called garage rock, punk rock, or even indie rock dependent on who you ask.  However you like to label the guy, you can’t deny his songwriting capabilities.  Today we have a new rowdy and rockin’ track to enjoy called “June Bug”.  This one appears on an exclusive Record Store Day release as a split single with fellow Nashville artist Meth Dad.

P.S. – Record store day is this weekend dummies.  You’re welcome.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

You Might Wanna Check Out Penicillin Baby

pbTired of the typical psychedelic influences growing in your record collection?  Well, perhaps you’ll enjoy the slight twist that Nashville’s Penicillin Baby have put on the sound, bringing in a more melodic focus to the structure that’s previously been established.  Sure, the sound of the guitar is still there, soloing off into the distance, but the vocals and the groove of the track below really implore you to appreciate a more pop-tastic approach.  As of now, they’re working on finishing up a new album, so this is the first taste you’ll get of good things to come your way.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Perfect Pop From COIN

coin_mediumThis is COIN. We last talked about them in October of 2013 and this song popped up on my radar of things to listen to and I got around to it. Glad I did.

We are suckers for superbly executed power pop and COIN has it the formula in spades. Synthy flourishes, memorable chord structures and a wicked hook. There is something in the water in Nashville right now; they are happier people, I guess. This single is a hint of the record to come, Looking forward to hearing the rest. They are on the road for a segment of the current Grizfolk tour so DC, Philly, Boston and Brooklyn readers will be able to see them starting tomorrow night and on to the weekend and though I wasn’t wildly impressed with Grizfolk maybe COIN‘s set will make it worth the ticket…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATH & ACL Interview: The Wans

WansYou can almost smell it in the air can’t you?  That’s right folks, ACL is just a mere week away and ATH is once again pumped for the fun and debauchery.  Today I’m excited to share with you an interview I did recently with Nashville based rock band The Wans.  They’re playing ACL, and we’re pumped to welcome them to town.  Follow the jump for full interview.

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Nice Bit of Americana from Charlie and the Foxtrots

charlieIt seems like Nashville is becoming the hot scene of the moment, especially for music that bares the soul of America’s musical history.  Charlie and the Foxtrots is another one of those bands building a name for themselves both within and outside of the city.  They blend elements of pop with that classic Americana sound, though I’ll admit that the vocals of Chas Wilson are definitely one of the shining highlights of this tune.  The band will be releasing their album on Golden this summer, July 8th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

SXSW 2014 Interview: Gunther Doug


Have you had enough interviews yet!?  I will assume the answer to that question is no and offer up yet another interview to preview the upcoming SXSW festival just a few short weeks away.  Today we’ll be hearing from up and comers in the Nashville scene Gunther Doug.  To be honest, I didn’t know a whole lot about the group prior to this interview, so it will be nice to learn a bit about them.  Follow the jump to get your learn on. Read more

New Sludge Rocker From Western Medication

Well this here song is short and sweet so I shall respond in kind with a to the point post.  The song is called “Big City” and comes from Nashville rockers Western Medication.  It is fast.  It is mean.  It is also badass.

If you like under a minute songs, the band have a new EP entitled The Painted World coming out on January 29th via Jeffery Drag Records.  Enjoy.


Download: Western Medication – Big City [MP3]

Psych Fest Preview: The Paperhead (+ New Song)

Psych Fest is going down this weekend over on the East Side of town, and I wanted to give you a few bands I think you should check out.  The first band I’ve got for you is Nashville’s The Paperhead.  After releasing a wonderful self-titled record last year, they’ve got a new 7″ on Trouble in Mind Records this year; this new jam displays their blossoming maturity in regards to their songwriting.  You will find that it’s a lot less psychedelic than the last effort, almost coming off as the second coming of the Kinks or the Beatles (neither of which is a bad thing).  There’s still hints of darkness in the sound, but the writing’s lacks some of the frills.  Regardless, this a band that many have taken notice of in the last couple of years, and you should add your name to the list.

You can catch their set at 3:15 at Emo’s East on Saturday! And here’s one of their new tracks off that aforementioned 7″.


Download:The Paperhead – She Is Above Me [MP3]

New Country-Tinged Jam from Natural Child

The offices over at ATH have been really crazy lately, so when we stumble across a truly fun track, we’ve got to throw it in the mix!  I’ve spent the last few days jamming to this track from Natural Child, the newest sensation out of Nashville. The group will be dropping their new LP, For the Love of the Game, on April 20th via Burger Records, just before heading out on the road with our favorite Hunx and his Punx (including an Austin date on 4/18). This almost has a bluesy-feel to it, which is no surprise coming from Tennessee, but it’s got just the right amount of garage grit to make it a stomping tune we can all get behind, right? Buen proveche.


Download:Natural Child – Ain’t Gonna Stop [MP3]

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