Ducks Ltd. Share Sheets of Grey Single

If you talked to anyone that picked up Modern Fiction last year they’ll likely tell you there’s not a bad tune on the Ducks Ltd. LP; it’s non-stop jangling goodness. So if you go back to their debut EP, the band are currently operating at a high level, incapable of writing a bad song. Thus, they jump right back in with a brand new single to take on the road for their Spring tour with Nation of Language. Jumping off with a pounding rhythm and those swirly-whirly guitar jangles, they suck you right into the pop storm. My ear keeps getting drawn to this underlying guitar line that’s super bright, reminding me in a way of some Field Mice vibes.

Top Albums of 2021

Honestly, I’m pretty over lists at this point. They’re arbitrary and don’t really reflect anything but someone’s tastes, except here where they reflect the tastes of three individuals…because that’s how we roll. So, take this list with a grain of salt. These are the records we thought were the best, which mostly just means these are the ones we listened to on repeat throughout the year! Feel free to leave a comment on what you think we missed, or why we’re dumb; we love good comment trolls.

Also, because this list is really about crediting the art that made us happy, we wanted it to make you happy too, so we included purchasing links where we could. Read more

Levitation Reviews: Boy Harsher @ Empire (10/28)

I like guitars.

Because of the introduction of technology, synthesizers, and electronic music, the 80s became the decade of exploration in music less organic. A paradigm shift happened on a grand scale in the art of music sometimes for the better, and at times for the worst. The better of that shift has quietly existed, bubbling beneath the surface while electronic music has permeated the industry on a global scale, diehard fans of the true pioneers, at the time considered underground, find themselves embedded in a resurgence of sorts. Whether intentional or not, the three artists on the bill for the first full night of Levitation Fest 21 at Empire Control Room, embody the essence and pay homage to some of the key players in that pivotal movement of music that ushered in a global shift from our analog lives into the digital world. Hit the jump for more and fancy photos.

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Have a Nice Weekend

Sometimes a friend on the intarwebs shares a band with you via the social media to PYAITK. Fellow music photog Randy tagged me in a post due to my penchant for synth pop after he stumbled across Nation of Language on a Soundcloud bender. They were supposed to come for SxSW where I probably would have stumbled into one of their sets and subsequently followed them around, but recording took the budget. Developing.

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