Nice Bit of Pop From The Hazy Seas

12795335_951492121602660_8656031474738553721_nYeah so you know the story by now right? I know very little about (insert band name here), but I love them after hearing their music today. Sound familiar? Well I’m yet again discovering new things today with a new single called “Evergreen” from Michigan based pop group The Hazy Seas. A lot is going on in the song but all blends beautifully with jangly guitars, some hushed vocals, and a somewhat frantic pace all coming together nicely. After winning my ears today, I’ll be sure to share more from The Hazy Seas once I get the info.

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Lindstrom Is Back

lindyDon’t mind me folks, just sitting here jamming out on my lunch break, hoping none of my students walk in while I’m shaking it to this new Lindstrom. I love the fact that I can turn it up, bob my head, then suddenly there’s a subtle change in the song. It’s one of the finer touches of electronic tunes that I’ve recently rediscovered, so I have no problem pumping this track as it goes from sterile to blossoming with radiant atmospheric touches. This is our first listen to music from his forthcoming EP, which is slated for a release later in the year via Smalltown Supersound.

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Been Playing This Ashley Shadow Track a Ton

ashDon’t know what it is about this brand new song from Ashley Shadow, but I’ve really taken to her latest single. There’s something special in her voice, something that really drew me in; I love the slight changes in pitch and tone that come when switching between chorus and verse. Musical accompaniment is fairly simple, but it does its job to really supply her voice with the perfect base from which she excel in her own performance. She’ll be releasing her self-titled debut album on April 15th via Felte.

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New Music from Hollow FortyFives

10854948_481098848714403_3012434106806134452_oThe dudes from Hollow FortyFives have graced our pages before, but now that they’ve got a new track in the mix, we should go ahead and give that a push. This track pushes on the band’s garage rock tendencies, but continues to push melodies into the mix. I really appreciate the fact that there’s such clarity in the vocals, which isn’t always the case. I look forward to seeing what these guys come up with, as a new song generally means there’s a new release right around the corner. Happy Monday folks.

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New Music from What Moon Things

WMT-WEB-RESImagine my delight when I heard this new track from What Moon Things. On their latest single, the band are taking a blend of darkwave electronic elements and putting on some dream pop touches. There’s a guitar sound that should definitely be familiar to those who follow a great deal of my posts (all 8 of you). This song celebrates the band working on the follow up to their heralded 2014 debut that won them some rave reviews from the likes of P4K and others. You can also add the group to the many that will be making their way to Austin in a few weeks for SXSW.

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Brand New Track from Tourist Dollars

touristBeen giving a lot of love to the Melbourne area lately, so why pull back on that glorious city of good tunes and good vibes? Today we’ve got a new track from Tourist Dollars, and while they’ve got some sonic similarities to their local peers, they seem to be taking on a slightly different approach musically. There’s much more focus on melody, even with gentle whistling serving to fill in when necessary; it’s also a bit more relaxed in progression, allowing the band to maximize their pop efforts. This is our second chance to hear what’s coming from their forthcoming debut EP, slated for release later this year via Deaf Ambitions.

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Having Fun? No? Listen to Hudson Bell

hudsonbellOver the last whoever knows how long, band’s have been trying to sound like they’re DIY or lo-fi. Sometimes it’s a success, sometimes you can tell it was a preconceived notion, but with Hudson Bell it feels real. Whether that was the intention or not, it sounds imperfect in the most enchanting way possible. By no means will you hear the polish, but the music still contains the hooks that implore listeners to come back time and time again to their favorite songs. The band is set to release their new effort, Yerba Buena, on April 22nd, so have fun with this tune before we get there!

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Electro Pop from Fountaineer

fountaineerWay back in the early 00s, when I was sneaking into SXSW showcases, I caught this really incredible band, Soviet. While everyone was playing guitar-driven dance music, they were using old school synths; they were my favorite act for awhile. Now comes Fountaineer, sounding oddly similar; they employ the same beat structure, as well as some of the same sonic touches I remember. The music is catchy, but a little hint of darkness makes it perfect for snobby music fans. It’s a brand new single from the Aussie band, so sit back and enjoy this delightful tune.

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New Grace Vonderkuhn Tune

graceThe last time we heard from Grace Vonderkuhn she was blasting the distorted guitars through our ears on her self-titled EP. But, this new track sees Grace exploring some new ground, which definitely is holding tightly on to my ears. There’s a really simple beat that repeats throughout the track, holding the song in place; her voice has clearly been strengthened, bringing about pop notes that might not have been as evident on her earlier work. This song has me looking forward to what she brings to the table in the near future, so keep your ears peeled for more work from this 24 year old.

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Poppy Terribly Yours Track

terriblyNot sure why more people aren’t taking a listen to this great new Terribly Yours track. It’s got everything you really need in a hit: hooks, electronic touches, solid melody. Honestly, this is the type of song that you find yourself putting on your favorite mixes, sharing it with friends…always bringing a smile to everyone’s face. Still no word from the buzzworthy artist on when we’ll get an official release, but if it’s filled with hits like these, it’s going to be hard to turn away from anything done with this project.

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