The Vryll Society Offers New Single

vryllThe arena of psychedelic rock has been changing since it’s rebirth into mainstream consciousness. Since then we’ve seen acts like Tame Impala and others putting a different, pop-centric spin on things; the Vryll Society doesn’t look to be too far off. However, they seem to employ a stronger simplicity, keeping the krautrock bass line in one place as the band works behind it, shooting off guitar chords here and there to add texture to the track. It’s a new single, officially being released on March 11th…we can only hope they’ve got more new work (and an album) on the way.

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Another New Elephant Stone Tune

elephantsCan’t really tell how many times I’ve offered up my thoughts on an Elephant Stone tune, but one can be assured that I’m definitely a fan of the band. They’re still holding onto elements of their psychedelic start, but you can also hear that the band’s been building their sound for some time, fusing more pop elements into the mixture. But, just because you throw in a little pop, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little psychedelic freak out in the middle. Just enjoy the warmth of the vocals here, then prepare yourself for their new album, Ship of Fools.

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Cool Groove from Alohaha

alohaAs we all prepare to head off into the holiday season, this song from Alohaha seems like a really great way to sort of wrap up 2015. There’s this slow current that pushes the music along, utilizing slide guitar and other little stabs as the vocals come across in a relaxed fashion. It’s the kind of track that feels like it could be overproduced, ruining the emotional pull of the approach the band have chosen. Airy female accompanying vocals slide in at just the right times, leaving plenty of room for you to get sucked into the track. Just another great reason to keep an ear on these guys as we look forward to 2016.

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Sweet Pop from Teleman

teleIt’s been a minute since we heard from Teleman, but they jumped back in to remind of us how great they can be with this new single/video dropping right before the new year. This video still hangs tightly on the band’s angular rock, but the melodies that have evolved take on a strong note, furthered by the imagery of falling colors. There’s no definitive details on the new album, but it’s being held for a late Spring release. Definitely something I’d like you to keep on your radar.


Slow Pop from Aimee deBeer

aimeeListening closely to this single from Aimee deBeer, it’s becoming clear that the power of voice is wholly enchanting…to me anyways. Aimee’s voice sounds youthful and familiar, but there’s this really pristine quality when she manages to hit the higher notes. Lyrically, she seems to be battling it out within herself as she’s confronted with her own demons, her own being. Still, while I like it a great deal, I don’t even think the vocals need the musical accompaniment; it’s that special of a performance. Word on the street is that a new EP will be on its way very shortly; I’ll keep you posted.

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My Gold Mask Returns

mgmB. Gray is going to be pissed I beat him to this one, as he’s the guy that first turned us on to My Gold Mask. Sure, it’s not my typical post, but I love a solid club hit from time to time. The group sounds a lot like Robyn on this track, using a dance floor beat for the voice of Gretta to work atop. There’s a catchiness to this track that’s hard to turn away from, so put your judgments aside and just have fun dancing about to this great little tune. The band will release their new album, Anxious Utopia in March of next year.

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New Music from Beverly

Beverly_Photo_Credit_Trent_McGinnIt’s already time to really wrap up the music of 2015 and look forward to the new year, which means we’ve got to turn our focus to those forthcoming releases for 2016. One of those acts I’m really excited to hear from is Beverly; lo and behold, here’s their new single. Their last album, Careers, had a lot to offer, but there’s definitely some more maturity in this brand new single, displaying a much more polished sound. Some of the punk edge is gone, replaced by a sheen that definitely hits home over at my house. The band’s about to hit the road in the UK, and then they’ll grace our presence at this year’s SXSW…so keep your ears peeled.

More New Tuff Sunshine

tuffIt amazes me how many great tracks come across our desks. I immediately gravitated to the subdued sound of the guitar on this new Tuff Sunshine, having found the overall mood really appealing. Listening closely, there’s some slight little touches that really force the song to the forefront of my listening rotation. First, it was the slow introduction of the percussion, then the nice little vocal backings and finally resting on that boisterous bit of explosive indie rock in the middle track. If you like what you hear, you should grab the band’s new album, Fire in the Hero Building…it’s available now.

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Take a Listen to Katie Von Schleicher

katieI’ve really been enjoying this new single from Katie Von Schleicher. She’s prepping for the release of her new record, Bleaksploitation, which comes out next week via Ba Da Bing Records, offering up this track as her second single. It’s got a trudging stomp to it, relying upon the soul of her voice to really pull the listener into the song. I like the production on the track; it kind of muddies her voice just a little bit, even though you can still hear its pristine quality. Expect to hear more from Katie, as she’s opening a slew of dates with Eleanor Friedberger, so the stars are lining up for this lady.

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Fun Post-Punk from Deleter

deleteListening to Deleter, I can’t help but tie the guitar noodling to Television. But, in doing that, I think I sell the Minneapolis group a little short…they’ve got more to offer, including bits of freaking out with noise. This single, however, takes it all and pushes the envelope by pulling in a little bit of pop sensibility by way of the vocal delivery, leaving you with a track that’s displays both musicianship and a little bit of fun. You’ll find this song on the group’s new record, Oblique Sessions, which is slated for a December 7th release date via Land Ski Records.

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