New Music from Villagers

Long ago I raved about Becoming a Jackal, an album by Villagers that I think a lot of people really overlooked.  But, now they’re back with a brand new single that is scheduled to come out on October 22nd, and with a recent tour with Grizzly Bear, I think they might finally start to break into the big time.  “The Waves” is every bit as dramatic as the earlier output from the band, but this one has a different approach.  For me, this tune utilizes the electronic production as its backbone, and the emphatic beauty ensues.  I just picked this up on iTunes, so you too can grab it early if it suits your fancy.



Chilled Tune from New Animal

I’m always down to help represent for our friend Rob over at Old Flame Records.  He’s just released this new single from Atlanta’s New Animal, and I’m really digging this lead single.  For a duo, it’s got a real dense feeling to it, with multiple layers, both instrumentally and vocally.  As the song slowly unfolds, the two pile upon more sounds, creating a rather interesting pop collage.  If you like what you hear, you can grab the single from Old Flame, or you can wait a bit, as they plan to release a limited edition tape soon.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Fresh New Indie Pop from The Hermit Crabs

Indie pop fans rejoice; the Hermit Crabs are back!  Our friends over at Matinee Recordings are about to release another four song EP from the much heralded Scottish group, which is the band’s first release since 2009!  The Time Relentless EP comes out via the label on September 4th, and the first hit from the record is beautiful.  Clearly the harmonies we all love about great indie pop are present, almost from the instant you press play.  They add a nice little touch with a wayward guitar line dancing and twirling around the vocals in the background.  Bet this is going to be one helluva release.


Download: The Hermit Crabs – Stop This Now [MP3]

New Music from Dana Falconberry

Alright, so I’m a few weeks behind on this gem from Austinite Dana Falconberry, but better late than never right? Dana will be releasing her latest album Leelanau on October 12th, and if it sounds anything like this tune below, it’s going to win her a huge following.  Her guitar is quiet, almost muted, but her incredible voice really warms you over.  Her playfulness in the middle of the track helps differentiate this number from your average fare, but that’s what I’ve come to expect from Falcoberry’s work.  It’s such an intimate listen, and one that’s ultimately rewarding. Hoping it makes its way onto your playlist.


Download:Dana Falconberry – Lake Charlievoix [MP3]

New Gem from AC Newman

I’m not going to lie to you; I think AC Newman is perhaps one of the best songwriters around.  Sure, a lot of people agree, especially when you throw him with New Pornographers, but I feel like a lot of people overlook his solo efforts (sadly!).  On October 9th Matador Records will be releasing AC’s 3rd record, Shut Down the Streets, and hopefully you’ll listen to this song below and realize just how awesome his songwriting is.  Personally, his voice alone, with its tiny inflections, gets me every time.  Listen here, and try to argue with the gifts of this dude.


Download: AC Newman – I’m Not Talking [MP3]

New Single from Ethan Gold

You might have heard of Ethan Gold a bit ago when P4k raved about his latest album, Songs From a Toxic Apartment, but if not, we’ll fill you in a bit. Ethan is an LA songwriter who self-released his entire album, and now he’s aiming to create a bunch of videos to help promote the record.  On his latest single (and video) you can hear that heavy-handed guitar strumming with hints of orchestration quietly working its way from the background.  The best part of this tune is when it ups the ante on the loudness factor around the 2:10, while still maintaining that intimacy that’s made Ethan such a joy to listen to lately.  You can check out the video for the single HERE.


Download:Ethan Gold – Why Don’t You Sleep [MP3]

More New Tunes from Alpaca Sports

Sweden’s Alpaca Sports has been on my radar for quite some time, and they just continue their excellent musical year as they prepare to release yet another single, “I Was Running” on August 30th.  Andreas’ songwriting continues to improve, and I think the band has gotten to the top of the pops with this tune.  I definitely don’t mind the inclusion of a few steady handclaps as they break into the song near the end. If you’re a lover of all things indie pop, then by all means, free yourself up and spend some time with this new track from Alpaca Sports.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Yet Another New jam from Ty Segall

The hardest working man in indie rock is back at it again with yet another new single, this one preparing us for his upcoming record, Twins.  Personally, this is one of my favorite new Ty songs of the last year; I like the way it opens up with chilled female vocals before Ty bursts in with his usual squall of guitar noise.  And, while it would be easy for the female voice to disappear, Ty keeps it in there to counterbalance his own whaling.  This is probably the best he’s written in all year.  You can pick up Twins from Drag City on October 9th, or pick up the 7″ with this featured tune on September 4th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Jams from Night Panther

I’ve already written about Night Panther in the last month, but I’m excited to bring you yet another new track from the group that surfaced earlier today. It’s definitely a track with a different twist on the duo’s dance-ready swagger.  While there’s a hook that grabs you throughout the soon, it’s not nearly as in your face as their earlier single, “Snudge.” I like the way the vocals sort of take off, floating into the background as the pitch reaches extreme heights.  No word as of yet as to when these dudes plan to release a full-length, but I’ll keep you posted on that as we get more details.  For now, sit back and dig the vibe here.


Download:Night Panther – Fever [MP3]

Brand New Dum Dum Girls

This track’s been all over the Internet today, and deservedly so.  Dum Dum Girls always seem to have something going on, be it a tour, an EP or a full-length album.  You’ll find this track on the group’s upcoming End of Daze EP, which will be in stores courtesy of Sub Pop on September 25th.  Of course, it’s one of those drawn out tunes the band has been working towards for some time, and I love the light little touches of backing vocals that come in about midway through the track. You’ve got to love the consistency from these ladies.


Download: Dum Dum Girls – Lord Knows [MP3]

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