Ghost Fan Club Share Now and Then

If you sit with this new single from Ghost Fan Club, you’ll likely find yourself straddling eras between current bedroom pop and early 00s indie rock. As the Bandcamp for the project says, the songs were recording “alongside spooky spirits,” and while that may be tongue-in-cheek, there’s definitely a shadowy solemnity to the song, which gives it that familiarity you want from the perfect bedroom pop piece. But, listening closely, you can also hear the affinity for folks like Isaac Brock, particularly in the way some of the guitar notes warble and bend in your speakers; it goes nicely with the the layered vocals from the ghosts that pop up sporadically, adding emphasis to the tune. The self-titled Ghost Fan Club LP will be out on July 14th.

Kosmetika Shares Reward Risk

As they prepare to unleash their next album, Melbourne’s Kosmetika are offering a punchy little punk ditty to let you sink your teeth into their sound. Their first single from the record was a little more expansive, but the rhythm section on their new hit preps you for a jolly good time. Guitar lines attempt to knife their way with a bit of sharpness, though it gets scuppered by the melodic nature the band seem to consistently be working towards. Their call and response vocal bounce adds a layer to the playfulness, taking a little bit of that edge and turning it into a proper pop number. Luxury drops on July 12th via Spoilsport Records.

Orcas Share Next Life Single

Simon Scott is having a busy week here on ATH, with one single coming earlier via his own project, and now he jumps on to build the sounds of New York’s Orcas. The musical world they’ve created sounds cautiously cavernous, offering a depth that begs you to dip your body into their pools of melody. For me, I was drawn towards the tender notes on the tip of the vocals; they have their own natural movement, sliding alongside the music, then rising in a more angelic fashion. This tune is where the pop world melts into post-rock, and we’re all better for it. Their new album, How to Color a Thousand Mistakes drops on July 19th.

Font Share Brand New Single

I was asleep when this new Font track dropped yesterday, otherwise I would have been on top of it…but we’ve got to rep the ATX scene…particularly as the group are one of the most revered artists currently. While some singles have brought out their more jittery electronic bits, I love the reservation on this latest single. Sure, the electronic elements seep in through the cracks in the tune, but somehow they manage to kind of take some of the energy and hold onto it whilst still building that musical tension. For me, this just hints at what’s made the band so exciting, as you can hear their rock influences being warped by their incorporation of various electronic pieces; this song evolves patiently, never staying complacent, then erupts with these thundering beats. You’re in for a treat when the group drop Strange Burden on July 12th.

Giant Day Share We Were Friends

Derek Almstead has been working around the Elephant 6 Collective for some time, though I love his work with the Glands the most. As of the moment, he’s working on his new project with his wife Emily Growden named Giant Day, and they’ve released a brand new single from their next LP. When listening to their latest single, I can’t help but hear two very distinctive sounds working through: there’s a gentleness akin to Elliott Smith in the vocals and there’s a huge driving build that surrounds the voice. It’s like you can hear this delicate storyteller sitting inside a cocoon, only that cocoon has been crafted by this driving rhythmic wall of noise that’s inescapable. But, then again, you’d expect someone who has worked with the E6 to know all about building huge walls of sound in their craft. Oh, and speaking of, the band will release their new Glass Narcissus LP on August 23rd via Elephant Six!


Manners Manners Share Yr Well

I’m absolutely floored by this new single from Manners Manners; they take every bit of great indie moments in the past three decades and fuse it into this bashing brand of glorious pop. Initially, you might get hit up front by the striking force of the opening guitar play, but sit back as they pull back the blanket and reveal a slightly softer side of the tune; I love the emphatic vocals of the chorus as J Pinder sings “I have been to yr well/and it only flows backwards.” When they return to the verse the second go round, you begin to hear these echoing vocals that add a textural level that’s pretty special. As their guitars twist and intermingle, the tune opens up and another bit of vocals rip right through the tune, delivering yet another plot twist that makes the group’s sound consistently evolving. They’ll release I Held Their Eyes, I Kissed Them All on July 26th via 20/20 Records.

M. Vaughan Shares Nazare Single

What does one do when you’ve spent years crafting electronic music, but feel the buzz of your rock n’ roll roots buzzing in your ear? If you’re M. Vaughan, you get caught up in your feelings, and make a mess of it by mixing up both worlds and coming out the other end with a brand new EP. On his latest single from the forthcoming Keep In Touch EP, we get treated to the completed recipe, with this down-tempo techno groove built as the foundational layer for Vaughan’s voice to kind of reach its pop crescendo. If you go in close enough, you can hear the hum of a synth line burrowed in the mix; it’s a peek at just a few of the ways M. Vaughan worked to make this new world more seamless. As you sit back and catch onto the vibe, be sure to grab the new release from Super Tuff.

Nap Eyes Share Demons Single

Leave it to Nap Eyes to take an old Alexander Pushkin single and weave it into modernity, as they do today with their musical take on Pushkin’s “Demons” poem. While it likely hasn’t been put to music before, the poem’s narrative nature fits perfectly into the realm the Nova Scotians have crafted; they’ve crafted this stunning elegance, almost as if it was meant as part of some ancient folk symphony. The tinkering piano and distorted ebbs add meaning to each little cranny of the tune, though it’s hard not to be Nigel’s voice, like a moth to the flame, it pulls you into the storytelling. Very few acts are crafting music in this matter, so feel free to raise your glass to these lads.

Parallel Release Painkiller Single

What?! Two songs from Oakland in one day!? Well, this time we’ve got a tune from Parallel, offering up a darker version of the post-punk realm. On my end, this song revolves around the contrast between the sedated style of vocals and the jagged edges of the guitars. It’s like the two are doing some sort of devil’s dance, the guitar notes circling overhead like vulture feeding on their pray. It creates this sort of darkness, that’s difficult to evade, even with the extra layers of melody that sweep into the track. The band will release their new album, Flooded, on July 10th via Play Alone/Cherub Dream.

Enumclaw Sign with Run For Cover Records

There’s just something about the songs Aramis Johnson writes for Enumclaw that have the perfect balance between emotional indie rock and punchy rock. Their latest single, accompanying the announcement of a new album and their singing to RFC, encompasses that tightrope act, walking between these thoughtful moments that would fit on any modern playlist, all before bursting into these riff-oriented crashing waves; it forces you to find your footing emotionally, while also indicating the joyous nature that coincides with Johnson’s songwriting. Home in Another Life will drop on August 30th.

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