Slumberland Annouce Last Singles of the SLR30 Series

It’s been a gift that continues to give me things I love, with Slumberland’s SLR30 Series wrapping up with its final singles on December 4th! It looks as if we’re going out with a bang, with one 7″ from UK’s Flowers and the other a new 7″ from one of my personal favorites, Neutrals! We’re treated to the A-Sides for both singles, and man, pretty sure we all win with these being added to the fold. The Flowers track is more powerful than I remember the band from some of their earlier releases, though it still hones in on the band’s penchant for melodic pop. Neutrals on the other hand do what they do best, buzzing through 2 minutes with infectious power pop punk; I think this might be the best recording from the band, with Allan’s voice spitting the lines out with this incredible sharpness. If you didn’t get the subscribe to the SLR30 Series, don’t worry, you can grab your own copy from Slumberland Records shop!

Fresh Track from Winter

WinterI know there’s always tons to filter through when it regards to SXSW, but one of the bands I caught last year that I picked for success in the upcoming year was Winter. And, here they are with a great new single that looks to be part of their follow up to the excellent Supreme Blue Dream. It’s filled with this shimmering guitar that casually drifts through the song, though the guitars crash with a nice fuzzy wave during the chorus, perfectly matching the vocal of Samira. No official word on the single’s release or a new record, but based on the buzz, expect to hear more from the band soon…also catch them touring the states, including an Austin date at Hotel Vegas.

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Can Metz Live Up to the Hype

metzHonestly, Metz was a hot commodity a few years back, and I feel like their resurgence is perfectly timed.  I’m weaning myself off (a little) from the mild folky tunes of Winter doldrums, and looking forward to getting my rock on, so this is fitting.  Musically, the band’s as dangerous as they’ve been before, though there’s a bit of a change in the vocals that’s slightly new.  To me, this track feels like a post-hardcore blast of rock, which is perfectly fine, but I’m interested to see what the rest of Metz II sounds like; it’s being released by Sub Pop on May 5th…and for the record, I’m buying into the hype.

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Energetic New Music from Steel Phantoms

steelSummertime is perfect for turning the knob up to eleven and letting yourself free from the mundane activities, though I guess some of us do have to sit in offices…sorry BGray. This new tune from Steel Phantoms is perfect for rocking out; the guitars come in and heavy and fast from the get-go, allowing you feel the energetic push the band’s proposing.  If you’re sitting in your chair tapping your toes, as you should be, then you can find a copy of the band’s new self-titled EP coming your way on July 16th.  Let’s celebrate and rock it out today!


Download: Steel Phantoms – Matt LeBlanc [MP3]

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