Friday Album Streams: Lunar Vacation, Kal Marks and More

Dropped the ball last week, and there were several notable releases hitting the streets, at least on my end (Dummy and Mythical Motors). Plus, there were some solid releases dropping this week we wanted to remind you of. This section just needs the streams and the links, so you can make up your own mind! Stream and buy the stuff below!


Lunar VacationEverything Matters, Everything’s Fire (Keeled Scales)

Kal MarksWasteland Baby (Exploded in Sound)

Nada SurfMoon Mirror (New West Records)

DummyFree Energy (Trouble In Mind Records)

Mythical MotorsSeven is Circular (Self-Released)

Nada Surf Return with Moon Mirror

I’ve somehow been jamming out to the pop rock riffs of Nada Surf for nearly 30 years now, and they continue to have a soft spot in my record collection, so it’s great to hear that there’s a new piece I’ll have to add when it hits. This brand new single captures the band’s ability to hit huge riffs matched up with Matthew Caws’ distinctive vocal delivery; there’s something in the way Caws sings that brings an almost live punch to his voice. Lyrically, a band who has been around for so long is sure to teach us a lesson about living, and that’s true as they turn this tune into commentary about being present in the moment rather than focusing on everything down the line…a good way to see it, if I do say so. This track comes with the announcement of Moon Mirror and their signing to New West Records; it’ll drop on September 13th.

Office Dog Drop Gleam Single

I’ll be completely honest here…I almost skipped over Office Dog‘s new single, entirely based on my judgment of the band’s name. But, a quick glance at the bio mentioned New Zealand, and then Kane Strang, who was all the rage on this site and others a few years back; this is his new, more collaborative effort. There are still some incredible hooks in the tune, as I gravitated towards the latter half’s stomping close, however, there’s a darkness to this album, written during a period of turmoil in Strang’s life; you can get some of that imagery from the video version below, if you put all those pieces together. Spiel will be released in January via New West, with Flying Nun already releasing it in Australia.

New Bluesy Tune From Cicada Rhythm

cicadaWhile I normally am the folksiest and bluesiest member of the ATH crew, I’ll have to admit that this track is pretty blue-grassy, even for me, but damn it, they’ve won me over. The heart of Georgia’s Cicada Rhythm is comprised of Andrea DeMarcus and Dave Kirslis, whose sharp vocals cut as smoothly as the delicate classical and folk elements in this song. “Dirty Hound,” has this slow creeping rhythm to it, but one that alternates with a more up tempo beat, spliced with growling electric guitar. If you’re digging this track like I am, be sure to check out the band’s debut, self titled LP that’s out this Friday via New West Records.

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Have You Listened to Buxton?

buxtonBuxton seems like it’s been one of Houston’s best-kept secrets; I know tons of folks who’ve caught wind of the band, yet they never seem to get that one would expect.  But, they’ve just completed their third record, and this appears to be the one that’s going to reach the masses and gain the following they deserve.  This tune starts off with a stuttering guitar line before taking it’s stride with a nice little bopping drum beat. You’ll hear the musicianship that’s present on this new LP, Half a Native, as the song unfolds, with nice little doses guitars twanging.  Look for their new LP this March via New West Records.

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