Have a Nice Weekend

So, I am thinking of starting a tech talk portion of the site as we provide you content to jam, but maybe you need a little insight into playback and enjoying your jams. First post, probably going to be about listening anywhere. Simple, cost effective ways to get better sound that will crush your included earbuds? I’m gonna do it.

Anyway, Here is a little jam from NITE. It is super 80’s and you clearly hear a ton of influences from bands they love triggered by a David Lynch binge. It is a pop song with a dark lyrical undertone, so be careful with the jubilant sing along. The new record is called Sleepless and is out 4/17.

Photos: ATHvsSOTO 2018

We’ll be out and about the rest of the week to view the things during SxSW so remember to check out the twitter and our various instagram accounts.

Either you missed the big Austin Town Hall vs. Side One Track One party, or perhaps you were there and want to relive it. Check out the gallery after the break that features faces, bands, instruments, lights, beverages, scenes and moods from the day and night at Hotel Vegas. Highlights for me were Glaze, Nite, El Lago, BLXPLTN, Tres Oui, Daphne Tunes and Marmalakes. Find these bands during SxSW. You’ll be happy if you do.

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Nite Share A New Video

Good timing, some easy promo for the big party on Sunday. #ATHvsSOTO

This isn’t so much a music video as it is a short film that tries to capture everything ’80s. Obviously Stranger Things stoked nostalgia for my formative years with music. I lived through Beta vs. VHS, crimped hair, the dawn of synth and Saint Reagan’s reign. I also lived through The Cure’s first records, the greatest year in pop music which we all know is 1984 and all of those new genres that haven’t disappeared.

Nite certainly presses my nostalgia buttons, but their is great songcraft lurking. You can listen to this jam below for your convenience, but by all means, click through for the short film that features Family Ties, mutants, teen mags and so-that-is-what-the-kids-are-listening-to jokes.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2260600507 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=3506363193]

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Announcing the ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for, the announcement of our annual AustinTownHall vs Side One Track One SXSW party. We’re throwing down at Hotel Vegas/Volstead again, and we’ve booked a pretty solid lineup of acts. We’ve got some bands with huge buzz like Caroline Says or Why Bonnie, a handful of ATH Records artists…and we even got in a few out of town acts like Nite and El Lago. Best news of all? It’s absolutely free, so all you have to do is come on over and just enjoy yourselves…there’s something for everybody. Show kicks off at 2 PM and lasts all day and night. Plus, we love you, so you don’t even have to RSVP! Check out the event page, and plan ahead, you’ll be here all day!

Top Albums of 2017

Lists are arbitrary and burdensome, but why not join the fun everyone else is having? We gathered our lists, separate lists for all of us, then combined them into one that had 50 albums. What you get here are the four writers/contributors of ATH, giving you their meaningless opinions on what we thought was the jam in 2017. It’s alphabetical, and we put the initials next to it so you could track down your enemy!


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NITE Want You to Dance Like No One is Watching

NITE is recently added favorite to the ATH IT Department. Their new record, Reborn, is available for preorder at that link kicking off the post and is landing in couple weeks via Cleopatra Records. In advance, they have released a video for the song “Dreamer”.

The song sounds like Tears for Fears tour bus collided head-on with Little Boots backing synths and a Juan MacLean groove. I dig it, looking forward to the new record. Twins, Myles and Kyle Mendez, are pushing the retro-future thing hard right now. They have an upcoming show with Night Drive and Blackbird Blackbird in Dallas, you should go if you are in the metroplex.

A Night Out: Small Black and Terry Malts

Hey, all. Catching up on sharing some show photos. Last Friday was an insanely busy night with bands like Real Estate, Small Black and Terry Malts headlining around The Red River Cultural District. It meant meeting different groups of friends and seeing more bands in one night that some people see all year. Don’t you feel sorry for them?

Bands in order of appearance – Nite, Talkies, Small Black, Business of Dreams, Hidden Ritual, Terry Malts.

So click through for some notes about dinner, drinks, bands and coughing fits with a nice big gallery.

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Show Pics: Midge Ure @ 3ten (1/20)

As I mentioned in the preview, Midge Ure was last in town, almost exactly two years ago. Oh, those were much simpler times, weren’t they? Though not in name, the idea of the current climate was a subject of between song banter and related to several titles, even if just loosely. Fitting given the protest that night, call it a warmup for the women’s march. There were many songs that he could not do justice in the acoustic only set from The Cactus, in particular hearing “Reap the Wild Wind” was bucket list stuff for me.

Nite‘s set was a very pleasant surprise.

…so click through for show notes and plenty of photos.

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Show Preview: Midge Ure @ 3ten (1/20)

Listen up, you whipper snappers. Midge Ure is an important figure in music. His work in Silk and Thin Lizzy shaped rock and roll while Visage and Ultravox still heavily influence the current flood of excellent synth pop. He co-wrote and played all instruments on “Do They know It’s Christmas”.

I last caught up with Midge almost exactly two years ago. He played an intimate acoustic show at The Cactus, one of the best things I have ever seen on stage. Midge, with band in tow, is back to play all those synth-laden jams he couldn’t play that night. His vocal is still outstanding, his stories endearing. Dallas-based Nite will kick things off a little after doors open at 8pm. Please join us.

Tickets available here.

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