Bendrix Littleton Shares Final Single from Deep Dark South

Former Bent Denim member Bennett Littlejohn is giving us something really special with his project Bendrix Littleton; the latest single feels like it hits on a personal note, as I’m sure it will for so many out there. I first fell into the song because of its intimate nature, with vocals working softly atop ornate picking; you can also begin to pick up a slight atmospheric buzz in the distance from some keys. That buzz begins to bloom into something more organic and other-worldly at the 2.5 minute mark, kind of quietly rattling your speakers with various textures thrown atop one another. Walking away, I definitely know I’ll take the line “I can’t sit still anymore, don’t feel fulfilled;” feels like the last 6 months of all our lives…or maybe that’s just me. Really looking forward to Deep Dark South; it’s out on September 25th via NNA Tapes.

Bendrix Littleton Announces Deep Dark South

You’ve likely heard the work of Bendrix Littleton before, whether it was as one half of Bent Denim, or in the studio with the likes of Hovvdy or Katy Kirby. Today we bring you a new track from the project, another early listen to the work that will appear on Deep Dark South, his new LP for NNA Tapes. This one’s a short whisper, like a quick visit from a dear friend. The guitar notes seems to ravel around your ears, then unravel, while the vocals kind of crawl out from the cavernous depths of the song. I love the way the lyrical content just seems like very matter-of-fact; it’s delivered like quick little notes to a companion. If this is your cup of tea, the full LP drops on September 25th.

The Cradle Share Eyes So Clear

I always feel like The Cradle is one of those overlooked bands that everyone instantly loves when they press play (I mean, does your band have 30 releases?!). The forthcoming album Laughing in My Sleep is a few weeks away still, but this heartfelt ballad seems to hit right at home almost immediately, for me at least. It’s a seemingly simple ballad, pounding on the piano with a nice strum layered on top to add emphatic punch. Songwriter Paco Cathcart is joined here by Lily from Palberta, which creates this soothing feel that washes over the listener. Please invest in this band; Paco’s one of the special voices out there; the new LP is out on August 21st via NNA Tapes.

Sweeping Pop from Kalbells

I hadn’t even heard of Kalbells until today, though I was aware of Kalmia Traver’s other project Rubblebucket. Despite having battled cancer, and the remaining fear that accompanies that fight, there’s an uplifting spirit to her new work. Traver’s vocal performance alone has this sweeping polish to it, sailing above light string stabs and whistles. The song’s construction really adds these dense layers that aren’t apparent on first listen, but the more you listen it only makes the track all the more endearing…is it the bells, the synths, the whistles? Who cares, it’s simply great. Look for Ten Flowers on July 14th via NNA Tapes.

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New Deconstructionist Jam from Co La

Where was this track all summer?  Those dub vibes just fit perfectly to my listening experience for any good summer party, but better late than ever, right? Co La is the project of Matthew Papich, and he’s going to be releasing his full-length, Daydream Repeater, on NNA Tapes on November 15th. It seems like the relaxing vibe here is suitable for warm months, but I have a feeling if he executes this well on the whole record, then it’ll probably get some play around my house no matter what.  Sit back, and let the vibe sink in.


Download: Co La – Egyptian Peaches [MP3]

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