Why Bonnie Shares Nowhere, LA

It takes nearly a minute for the rest of the band to catch up to Blair Howerton on Why Bonnie‘s newest single, which is fitting, as the song takes on a bit of a personal narrative about Blair being stuck in the middle of nowhere with an ex in Louisiana. But, while I love Blair’s voice, the song’s emotional appeal definitely gets upped when the drums hit and the song erupts, albeit subtilely. It’s one of the reasons the band’s forthcoming 90s in November feels so intimate; Howerton delivers this incredibly personal details in her storytelling, while the band builds the depth behind her; this song illustrates that point, with a perfect moment of punctuation in the chorus. We’ve always rated the band highly, and we’re looking forward to seeing how you all enjoy the LP; it drops on August 19th via Keeled Scales.

New Music from Why Bonnie

It’s always nice to hear from old friends, so here we are with the latest single from Why Bonnie, formerly a staple of Austin’s music scene. This new single is the first thing we’ve heard from the band since their last EP, and the promising vibe here will hopefully make its way onto a new LP. I love how the band hold some resolve in this recording; Blair’s voice rises and seems to sink out this sort of climactic explosion…and to be fair…it’s there, but held back just enough to not overstep the selling point, which is undoubtedly Howerton’s voice. Let’s hope this new single signals more tunes!

New Mirror Travel Music

mirrorsThis Mirror Travel song has been floating around for a few days, and seeing as we’ve followed the band since their Follow That Bird origin, it only makes sense we give it a light of day here. Things sound a little dreamier here, though the guitar still has a similar effect that matches the voice of Laura Green. Listening on repeat, the record seems like it will have a slightly darker, more ethereal manner to it, leaving plenty of room for psychedelic dream states. Look for Cruise Deal to hit on March 11th via Modern Outsider.

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