Guaxe Announce Self-Titled Debut

You’re probably wondering who Guaxe is at this point, and that’s fair, as it’s a new project from Dino of Boogarins and Pedro from Supercordas. One of the reasons I love Boogarins is their ability to experiment within the tightened constraints of modern psychedelia, and this new project seems to take those challenges head on. There are loops of guitars that seem warped on repeat, with this lightly galloping drum beat behind the wall…strangely the beat almost seems to get lost in the song, as the listener will, slowing down and catching back up. It’s this otherworldly pop music that seems fit for a science experiment, though it offers this glaring beauty; my favorite burst of pop comes in at the 1:14 mark and only lasts for five seconds, but lasts in my brain forever. Their self-titled album will be out on September 6th via OAR.

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