Gary Share Blur the Difference

Gary is a recording project among friends Gary Spolarich and Jason Gerycz (of Cloud Nothings fame); the two have been jamming for some time in various forms, and this year we’ll be treated to Ideas Riding, which is finally seeing the light of day. For starters, the song’s a definite ripper, with Gary offering just enough sweetness in his vocals to really kick in that hook. For Jason’s part, well, he’s doing what he’s always done, bang away on the drums harder than any of your friends; it honestly gives this song the feel of what early Cloud Nothings created, poppy and rambunctious. All of Ideas Riding is streaming now courtesy of Old Flame Records.

SXSW Interview: Gothic Tropic

More SXSW interviews, all the time, all day, every day. As you can see, we are not messing around with the interviews this year leading up to the festival. I think Nathan and I have rather enjoyed seeing what all these bands have to say about our town and our festival. What I dig most about it is seeing the overwhelming amount of positivity each band brings even if they are on a long tour or a few days between a solid meal. Today I carry on the interviews with one from L.A. based Gothic Tropic. Hit the jump to see it all.

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Soulful Pop from Gothic Tropic

Feeling a sense of longing for the weekend this morning, which is perhaps why the Gothic Tropic tune that hit my inbox is so intoxicating. It’s slightly playful synth pop with a soulful touch on the vocal display. It borders on the edge of dreaminess, but I feel as if there’s a sense of seeking something great that’s coming through my speakers. You’re going to find it hard to turn your ears away from this delighting tune, which will feature on the new album, Fast or Feast; it hits on May 19th via Old Flame Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

SXSW Interviews: Doe

Last year the Doe released Some Things Last Longer Than You to rave reviews, and they’ve opted to follow up their success by bringing their energetic pop rock to the States for SXSW. We briefly caught up with the entire group to give you a little insight into what they’re all about, as well as toss in a sample track from their last album, which is available via Old Flame now.

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SXSW Interview: Slow Caves

Slow Caves are a hook-laden bunch of pop rockers from Fort Collins, making their way towards Austin for SXSW. They’ll be hitting town to spread their name, supporting their new release, The Desert Minded EP (Old Flame), which hits a few days before they blow into town. We tossed them a few quick questions, and they kindly responded. Look for one of their new tracks below too!

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Premiere: Dream Cult Release “Jackson Canon”

dreamcultI love a good pop song, especially when it’s filled with melodies and hooks in the vocals; this is precisely what you’ll get from the latest Dream Cult single. This song has all these little guitar textures, weaving in and out beneath the coolly delivered vocals. The stuttering of guitars and drums that occurs throughout always prepares the audience for a blast of pure pop. Overall, it’s the execution of this song that really delivers; good songwriting supersedes all other cool guy superlatives. Look for the band’s brand new tape this Friday courtesy of the ever-reliable Old Flame Records.

Another Hit from The Hairs

thehairsEverything I’ve heard from The Hairs up to this point as been refreshing. His songs are filled with bits of indiepop, lo-fi bedroom and hints of power-pop, which definitely always makes me giddy. Still, like the single below, the vocals have a clarity and the song’s themselves are so catchy that it’s hard not to find the lyrics getting stuck inside your head. It’s just another great reason while you’ll find yourself singing the songs within While I Hated Life, Barbarian…it comes out today via Old Flame Records.

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The Megaphonic Thrift Makes Its Way to the USA

megaphonicIt’s been a rather big year for The Megaphonic Thrift, winning all sorts of awards in their homeland, Norway. But, there’s still the US market left to conquer, which should be easier now that the band has signed on with Old Flame Records to release Sun Stare Sound on this side of the pond. Their sound reminds me a lot of the tunes of early Stars, playing upon the dynamic interchange between male and female vocalists. I will say there’s a little more detail added to the songs too, giving a more artistic touch to theircraftsmanship. Look for the band to make waves when the album comes out later on this year.

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New Pop from The Hairs

thehairsI’m surprised that this new track from The Hairs isn’t getting more traction. This is the sort of literary pop music that people pine for, but maybe that’s just in my small circle of friends. Regardless, The Hairs combine these vocal hooks that wrap around this excellent songwriting, churning out infectiousness that will resonate on your stereo forever. They’re also one of the many great acts that’s going to be playing at the excellently curated NYC Popfest in a few weeks. Look for the group’s new album, While, I Hated Life, Barbarian, which will be released by Old Flame Records on June 24th.

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Carey Sign to Old Flame Records

careyNashville’s been picking up a lot of national credibility (though we all know it’s been there for years) as of late, and it looks like Carey could be another one of the acts to burst forth from that scene. They’ve just signed on with the reliable Old Flame Records, bringing a crunchy bit of guitar pop to your ears. Like only the best of the genre, they fill the distorted riffs with catchy hooks and anthemic lyrics that you can sing over and over. Look for their EP to come your way on March 11th.

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