Another Day Another Tiny Ruins Gem

It seems like single after single that Tiny Ruins craft another gem that is destined for repeated listens throughout my day. On their latest tune, there’s a dominating performance from Hollie Fullbrook, but the little details hanging in the air are what make the song. I love the way the guitar lines sort of dangle and twist in the air, matched by the breathy backing “oohs” that added this dreamy quality to the track. I’m just going to keep fawning over this group until their huge, then I’ll say the first album was better…that or I’ll just up my hype when Olympic Girls hits on February 1st via Ba Da Bing.

Tiny Ruins Share a Slow-Burning Hit

You ever hear a song and it just feels like it belongs in a really well shot film? Like everything about it screams montage? That’s the feeling I got the first time I pressed play on this gem from Tiny Ruins. The New Zealand group is well on their way to releasing their upcoming third LP, Olympic Girls, and “School of Design” is their latest lush single. I think the cinematic feel comes Hollie Fullbrook’s velvet vocals and detailed storytelling. Apparently the track was recorded live–which makes this track even more haunting, as it feels so very polished and perfect. Take a listen for yourself below.


Tiny Ruins Announce New Record

Tiny Ruins, the project of Hollie Fullbrook, is ready to share its third album, this time with Ba Da Bing as its home. The first single we get is, as we expected, pure excellence. Hollie’s voice rises up and down, changing registers, moving in and out, almost as if it was meant to haunt your ears. Perhaps that emotion stems from the details in the accompanying music, whether it be the work of the guitar, layered strings, or the percussive elements that bubble to the top of the mix. Fullbrook stars in the video, a lone figure walking through nature…a clip perfectly fit for this track. Olympic Girls will be out February 1st of 2019.

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