Big Bill 7″ Stream + Release Party (2.28)

billyThere’s been great coverage this week for Austin’s Big Bill…local blog Ovrld and national mag, The Big Takeover added to the band’s recent press run. It’s deserved on so many levels, not only just musically, but in its representation of what truly makes Austin “weird.” Our label is releasing the 7″ today, and it will come with a special prize for those of you that order it HERE (it’s like a musical Cracker Jacks!), but you should also come out to End of an Ear on Sunday evening before the Oscars to enjoy a great set celebrating the band’s release. They’ll go on at 5 PM, and we’ll have the 7″ on hand for you to grab. Trust me, this is going to be a great year for all things Bill…so get a head start with this 7″.

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