Last Week’s Jams, Today (6.27 – 7.1)

Our coverage last week was pretty steady, and we got to hear some great new stuff…so here we are with our weekly recap to start off your post holiday blues at work. We got some great ATH favorites offering up new stuff, with Winter and Phantom Handshakes getting fresh tunes out there. We also ran some great footage from Constant Follower of their performance atop a monument in Scotland, which I highly suggest you getting into, so I threw a jam in there from that performance. Lot of great stuff, with over an hour of jams to whet your whistle this morning.

Poolblood Shares Twinkie

Already with a couple of shows in Canada coming up, Maryam Said and their Poolblood project is something we should pencil in to explode in the very near future. There’s something so carefree and innocent in Said’s voice, reminds me in a way of Alex from Diet Cig; I love how it feels understated in parts, calm and collected in the right spots. The backing vocals on the chorus build this tasty little pop morsel for your ears. This Toronto songwriter is definitely onto something heavenly, so lets hope we get more sooner rather than later. Song brought to you courtesy of Next Door Records.

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